Sunday, November 15, 2020

Sometime girls and water are a bad combination.

 And ya think to yourself, they're gonna be parents some day. Maybe... 










One of the hardest things you'll ever do is replace the knives in your kitchen - I know from experience.

This is the set I finally broke down and bought a few months ago, and I honestly could not have made a better choice. See them for yourself here: 











This is impressive. It really is.

See it for yourself here:





I want to take a minute and thank all of my friends/readers here that have taken the time to look at Barbara's Jewelry and bought pieces for their 'special someones'. 
It's a big deal to me - I really appreciate it.

Every piece is unique and each one is 
hand-made by her.

If you have not yet seen my wife's jewelry, it's available on Etsy. It's really nice stuff and the prices include free shipping to almost anywhere! 

See some examples for yourself here:



  1. Dayum. Some of those hurt to watch. This one isn't.

    Then there's this...

  2. That's fun, mostly. A few of the falls made my legs feel weird..
