Saturday, November 21, 2020

If there was ever a time when I wanted to get fall-down drunk, today's the day.

 At the very least we can laugh 
at people who already did... 












This is a great idea - plugs in to any outlet...

Find it here for only $ 13.00 bucks - grab a couple:


Man that hadda hurt a LOT...





I don't think I've ever been 'shopping cart' 
fucked up before - have you?



We go through batteries like candy around here 
for some reason. I'm sure you do too, 
especially if  you have kids... 
I had no idea Amazon had their own branded batteries, 
and these have a 10-year shelf life.

MUCH cheaper than Harbor Freight or Walmart, and better quality too. There a bunch of different sized batteries and packages available. Find some for yourself here:










These are both my 'go-to' cordless drills. I keep two sets of these in the truck with me at all times - with extra batteries.

At $ 159.00 for the 20v set along with the charger and the bag, this is one helluva deal.  See it for yourself here:


  1. Thank god they didn’t have those freaking cell phone cameras when we were that young and stupid and drunk. The line from Animal,House, Fat,drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son, still gets a rise out of me

  2. I haven't been shopping cart drunk, but in the mid 1970's my ship had liberty in Hong Kong. I woke up at midnight staggering down the sidewalk(fortunately a friend of mine had found me and was taking me back to the ship). We were next to a freeway so I sauntered out to the median and took a whiz with all the traffic going by.


Wake up, damn it...