Saturday, November 14, 2020

Cocktail time Rule 5 riddle - is it the woman or is it the dress? PART TWO

As I said before, I doubt that a dress - it being an inanimate object and all - can be sexy by itself, so I guess that answers that question... 

Rhetorical questions are still stupid, aren't they? 
Who cares - let's get to the heart of the matter...











Sick to your stomach these days?
Who isn't, right... 

Between the election nonsense, craziness in the streets and this COVID business, it might be a good idea to add a pro-biotic to your vitamin and supplement regimen.








I think she'd make me very happy for a coupla hours...


And that's scary...

These are really good sweat socks
 at a really good price for them.  

Find 'em for yourself here:






  1. I don’t where you,find them but,you,do. And god bless toumsir

  2. Every one of these, though very nice, look EXTREMELY high maintenance...

  3. Pretty young gals look good in anything.
