Monday, November 16, 2020

Biden promised us it is gonna be a "dark winter", didn't he?

 Well, with all the new shutdowns and restrictions being put in place everywhere, maybe he was right... 

2020 sucked, and I can't imagine 20121 bein' any kinda joyous era either. 
And I'm an up-beat, positive guy, right?

Greetings from Key West. Like living in Toontown.


On this date a coupla years ago, this asshole got booted. THAT was a good day. This piece of shit was never funny anywhere no matter what he was doing.



In case you were wondering. That's a whole different way of looking at Florida, huh? I live in the middle of frikkin' nowhere, and I love it here. Horse and cattle country. NOTHING like what you imagine Florida to be. Did you know that Florida is the No. 2 cattle/beef producing state in the country? It's not just oranges bubba. 
Also - Ocala is about 20 miles from here - another beautiful area. The largest horse breeding/training industry in the country. Yup.

The camera angle or direction didn't move at all, that's how ya know it was a security camera. It fascinates the fuck out of me how so many dipshit crooks and idiots - like her - aren't remotely aware of the millions and millions of cameras that are everywhere these days. Look around you, jeez. Juss' sayin'

City Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty - who called the cops over an argument with her Lyft driver despite her support for the “defund the police” movement now says she acted out of a fear of “white supremacists.”  
Hardesty — who caught flak for the move in light of her claiming most 911 calls aren’t for real crimes — said during a City Council meeting on Thursday that she was motivated by a fear of far-right demonstrators who have recently rallied in the City of Roses.

Wudda fuckin' hateful cunt. I wonder what's in the water up there - it's like everybody's kinda fucked in the head lately.

Oh, boy. Something to look forward to. Maybe.

Nice recovery...




In 1966 Robert F. Kennedy delivered a speech that included an instance: 'There is a Chinese curse which says “May he live in interesting times.” Like it or not, we live in interesting times. They are times of danger and uncertainty; but they are also the most creative of any time in the history of mankind.'

If there has ever been a motherfucker needs to shut the fuck up and go away it's this asshat. Lyin' fuck - 'Keep your doctor' my ass, jerkoff. He's more responsible for the racial divide in this country these days than anyone else has ever been. Juss' sayin'...


Another guy needs to just shut the fuck up.

"The dead hooker under the mattress place"

More Chris Shapan magic. He's got some mind...

If Biden thought Trump was a tough adversary,
 wait till he gets a load of Pelosi and Schumer.

Hey - a man can dream, can't he?



It's 91. I found this yesterday. Juss' sayin'



This is a really comfortable work shoe, and I hate work shoes. I just can't wear sneakers all the time - especially when I'm up on a roof.

Find 'em here at a really good price - under $40 bucks:

Hadda be a blonde, didn't it? Both of 'em blondes. 
Makes perfect sense.


The four guys who took off yesterday. Looks like a really good colorization job, but it isn't.

I'll leave you with this to ponder:


God made woman beautiful and foolish; beautiful, that man might love her; and foolish, that she might love him.     
- Tara Reid     

To quote the Who...
 "We'll be fighting in the streets
With our children at our feet
And the morals that they worship will be gone"


You couldn't find a more worthless piece of shit than this guy if ya tried. He's a know-nothing, do-nothing party flak who has contributed absolutely nothing since he's been in office...



One of the hardest things you'll ever do is replace the knives in your kitchen - I know from experience.

This is the set I finally broke down and bought a few months ago, and I honestly could not have made a better choice. See them for yourself here: 





I want to take a minute and thank all of my friends/readers here that have taken the time to look at Barbara's Jewelry and bought pieces for their 'special someones'. 
It's a big deal to me - I really appreciate it.

Every piece is unique and each one is 
hand-made by her.

If you have not yet seen my wife's jewelry, it's available on Etsy. It's really nice stuff and the prices include free shipping to almost anywhere! 

See some examples for yourself here:


Right click on this banner and it will open in a 
new tab so you don't lose your place here:




  1. How long has the White House been a ticket to riches and the good life? Obama (the Chicago machine politician) is doing really well since they left... just like the Clintons did.

  2. Does the phrase 'new normal' apply here?


What - a doll...