Thursday, October 15, 2020

Todays news is nothing but a rehash of yesterday's news. Or is it?

I don't know and I don't care, 
but I gotta lead off with this:

Ru Paul is as pissed off as a cross-dresser can be... 

He (?) just found out he's cousins with Corey Booker.

It's entirely possible, even with all of the incredible whack-jobs that there are in the Senate, that Corey is the looney-tuniest of them all. 
Ever listen to this chucklehead talk - about anything at all? He's orbiting the third moon of Pluto on his best day. He was once the mayor of my home town - Newark, NJ. 
What a fuckin' shithole that place has become. Jeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


A coupla trees in my neighborhood. 
Pretty fuckin' cool lookin', aren't they?

Today is day two of the 'When will 
this guy swallow the barrel' lookout.

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany on Wednesday was locked out of her personal Twitter account for sharing The Post’s bombshell cover story on Hunter Biden’s alleged hard drive and an email linking Joe Biden to his son’s job at a Ukrainian energy company.


I have no idea where this is from or what's 
it's supposed to be for, but I like it, so here it is.

It does make you wonder what do these so-called 'social-media' problems think the have to gain bu backing these uber-liberal policies?
Don't they understand how anti-big business these libs are? Is it possible they're THAT fuckin' stupid? Hard to believe, isn't it...

I can't believe he actually did a handyman joke.

How do you really know when the person you're talking to is really a screaming fuckin' whackjob lib? It's easy, really:


Every once in a while ya get a good 'Florida Man' story here and there. Here's a double-header:

The two numbskulls face a total of 14 charges combined for grand theft and burglary.

Robert Hobby, 41, and Marcus Reeves, 23, are clearly not the sharpest tools in the shed – making it a cinch for cops to track them down by leaving a few items behind after their alleged crime spree.
“Now being a thief already makes you dumb, but that isn’t why they are this week’s ‘Dumbest Criminals,’” the Marion County Sheriff’s Office said on its Facebook page. “You see these two went on a burglary spree inside the city limits of Ocala and out here in the county,” it said.
“They were breaking into convenience stores, stealing cigarettes and lottery tickets, BUT while doing this, they were smoking cigarettes inside the stores while the cameras were watching,” the sheriff’s office continued.
“But that still isn’t the best part, because we didn’t need the cameras to identify them…you see when they left the stores, they left their shoe, their tools and Marcus left his wallet with his Driver’s License.” It added: “So we went to his house and knocked on the door…he confessed…both were arrested and are now in the Gold Star Hotel.”

I think I'm just gonna feature her in every post I do 
from now on. Wuddya think - good idea?

While we're on the subject of fun bags...

These are simply great tool bags.

Get a couple for yourself:

Think these fuckin' people will EVER give up on this bullshit? EVER? Easy answer there, Skippy.


Tens of thousands of voters in the critical battleground state of Pennsylvania will receive reissued mail-in ballots after being sent the wrong ones, officials said.
About 28,879 voters in Allegheny County, home to Pittsburgh, were impacted due to an error made by Midwest Direct, the company tasked with printing, collating and mailing the ballots.

I like taking things out of context and then having someone (like you) try to figure out what exactly the fuck is THAT all about.

Imagine that - only three bucks for that and the company still had some way to make money. That friggin' thing would (if it was made here in the states) probably cost around $ 150 bucks nowadays.

A hand-carved adornment in the Crown Bar in Belfast. That's probably around 200 years old at least. Cool place. Been there a lot.

This is the effect that Amazon has on even the largest retailer in the world. Pretty damn impressive if ya ask me, and the best part? We all get to reap the benefits of this stuff.

If you don't get this cartoon you probably should be reading Archie & Jughead comics instead of this blog. And there sure as all gittup ain't nothin' wrong with Archie & Jughead. I'm juss' sayin'...

$3,250,000 is a record sale for a
Honus Wagner baseball card.

Must be nice to have that kinda money. 
That's Trump or Bezos kinda money. Jeez.

On Wednesday, a New Jersey auction house specializing in sports and music memorabilia announced a new record for the highest price ever paid for a T206 Wagner — $3.25 million — in a sale the company had brokered between a buyer and a seller from the Midwest.
“It’s the most spent for a Honus Wagner card,” Dylan Kosinski, president of the Franklin Lakes-based auction house, Gotta Have Rock and Roll. “And a Honus Wagner card is the most legendary sports card ever made. The previous record was $3.1 million, and this one we sold for $3.25 (million).”
Kosinski said both the buyer, a sports memorabilia collector, and the seller, who had bought the card 20 years ago for $130,000, wished to remain anonymous.


It's a little hard to remember sometimes - with all the insane bullshit that goes on around us every day - but there still are a whole buncha really good people out there.  

Sometimes ya just gotta look a little
 harder to find 'em - like this guy:

After being laid off from his job, this New Jersey man is helping seniors and veterans by mowing their lawns for free. 
You can reach Brian and get more info at

The New York Times - all good news, all the time, right? Do they bother to tell anyone that almost nobody is dying from this shit anymore? Nope.


This is a very popular item these days, and it's gonna get even more popular as we get closer to election week.

Ya never know what kinda bullshit ya might run into these days, and no matter who gets elected, the streets are probably gonna get really fuckin' stupid for quite a while. 
People have told me that not only are they buying them for themselves,  they're buying them for their kids, their girlfriends and their wives. I think that's a great idea. Better safe than sorry is the best way to be these days...

There are a couple different strengths available here:

Meanwhile, here in The Villages...


Couple more months of this COVID shit and that place is gonna be a fuckin' ghost town. Too bad, too - I like Vegas. I usually try to go a couple times a year, especially in June for the WSOP.

I'll leave ya with this:





Like I said before. We're kinda fucked up as a society (of course we are) in that some how this is okay, but if I posted pics of guys kissing guys, it'd be a turn-off to most of you. Kinda weird, don'tcha think? I'm not advocating for one thing or the other, I'm just making an observation...

You should know by now that this is the knife 
I carry every day of my life. 

I just discovered they offer a slightly larger version 
of the same knife. I may be changing my ways here.

Take a look at this knife and see if it wouldn't 
be the perfect pocket knife for you:

Reason number 417 why I don't jog.


Roses grow almost year-round here.

Right click on the banner to open it in a new tab or window:


What a cool looking storefront. It's a shame so many small businesses are shitting the bed with all this COVID shutdown fuckin' nonsense.

HRC with the 'First Cat' SOCKS in the White House a few years back... She really is fuckin' scary lookin', isn't she? Look at the look on the cat's face. That's pretty fuckin' funny.


And this despicable piece of shit.


She's cute, ain't she?


Can't get away with not throwing in a shot for my wife - there'd be no living with her, if ya know what I mean... 
Want to find something nice 
for your wife or girlfriend? 

My wife's jewelry is now available on Etsy. It's really nice stuff and the prices include free shipping to almost anywhere! 

See some for yourself here:


  1. I hope the new featured girl with the splendid bouncing boobs doesn't get her nipples chafed by that wool sweater. Perhaps you can ask her for me if she'd like me to apply some soothing lotion on them. I here to help

  2. All the flu publicity ought to calm down after the election.

    1. safe bet..... hard to riot when ya have the flu.
