Thursday, October 8, 2020

Lies, told often enough, will become truths to some - if not most.

 That certainly seems the case in politics. They lie, they know we know they're lying, and they continue to lie until we forget what the truth was...


It could be worse - you could be watching 'The Fly' instead.

This is the Roman theatre in Amman Jordan. Amman's Roman Theatre is a 6,000-seat, 2nd-century Roman theatre. A famous landmark in the Jordanian capital, it dates back to the Roman period when the city was known as Philadelphia. Yup. The first Phillie.



This just in from the 'WELL, WHO THE FUCK ASKED YOU' Department:

The New England Journal of Medicine, the United States’ oldest and most consistently published medical journal, called in a Wednesday editorial for President Donald Trump and his administration to be voted from office for their handling of the coronavirus pandemic. It’s the first time ever the journal has waded into electoral politics. 

The publication’s editors, who all signed the excoriating essay, wrote, “Our current leaders have undercut trust in science and in government, causing damage that will certainly outlast them. Instead of relying on expertise, the administration has turned to uninformed ‘opinion leaders’ and charlatans who obscure the truth and facilitate the promulgation of outright lies...Anyone else who recklessly squandered lives and money in this way would be suffering legal consequences." 


Martini Racing is the name under which various motor racing teams race when sponsored by the Italian company Martini & Rossi, a distillery that produces Martini vermouth in Turin. Martini's sponsorship program began in 1958 as Martini International Club, founded by Count Metello Rossi di Montelera of Martini & Rossi.


Growing up in the New York metro area, this was what we watched religiously every Sunday morning after we got home from Mass. 
"Legendary children’s television host Sonny Fox was an absolutely unique presence in American television. He ruled children’s television in the New York area between 1958 and 1967, when he hosted Wonderama every Sunday on WNEW. Sonny Fox was the Carson of our elementary school years."

Chasing headlines is a waste of time.

Do you learn anything from reading any of these? 
The easy answer is no.


I love new geeky kinda stuff like this - so much so that my wife throws out the catalogs at the post office when she gets the mail from our box.

Buy one and throw it in the glovebox just for the fuck of it.

A lot of the new jobs being created are for people who'll just sit in front of a keyboard staring at a computer screen with headphones on.

Still beats the fuck outta starving to death or begging, I guess. 

Sam's Club is embarking on an e-commerce hiring spree and launching early deals ahead of the upcoming holiday season. Walmart's members-only warehouse chain announced that it will be hiring 2,000 permanent, full-time workers to staff fulfillment and distribution centers and bolster its supply chain. Hundreds of those new employees will be working at the company's newest fulfillment center in Perris, California.
Sam's Club's push represents only the latest such e-commerce-centric hiring spree to take place in advance of the 2020 holiday season. Sam's Club's own parent company, Walmart, has also announced that it will hire 20,000 seasonal fulfillment center workers. 


Well if this doesn't push Joe over the top, nothing will.

The superstar singer has announced she will be voting for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden in the upcoming November election. She expanded on her decision to do so in the new issue of V Magazine, a preview for which was released on Wednesday.
"The change we need most is to elect a president who recognizes that people of color deserve to feel safe and represented, that women deserve the right to choose what happens to their bodies, and that the LGBTQIA+ community deserves to be acknowledged and included."
Ya really think she said "LGBTQIA+"? I somehow doubt it.


Harlem grocery store owner standing in front of his establishment in 1937. The poster felt was important to note that the prices are in cents.

If that was your little brother doing stupid shit like that, wouldja just leave him at the bottom of the steps? (Asking for a friend).

By the time this election is over and done with - no matter who wins - this will not be the same America it was before this year.
You can take that to the fuckin' bank, brother - it's gonna be a brave new world.

Ya ever see or hear anything about this place? A friend of mine had dinner there a few years ago.

The hotel room was $ 500.00 for one night, and dinner for two was $ 600.00 but he did it as a 'once-in-a-lifetime' kinda thing, so he was cool with it. Said the place is truly fuckin' unbelievable.
The Grotta Palazzese hotel's restaurant is set in a vaulted limestone cave in the town of Polignano a Mare in Southern Italy. Might havta check it out next time I go over to the motherland...



The Vice Presidential debate, moderated by USA Today's Susan Pagelast night was as big a waste of time as counting the flies on Hillary Clinton's muff. 
Pence and Harris met on a plexiglass-protected stage, after President Donald Trump's COVID-19 diagnosis, with coronavirus being the first issue up for debate. 'Here's the thing, on January 28th, the vice president and the president were informed about the nature of this pandemic,' Harris said. 'They knew and they covered it up. The president said it was a hoax'.

There are bars out there you've never 
been in and you know it...

Are you ready to get out and get going?

Here's a great bug-out bag for travel & 
overnights for less then $ 33.00 bucks. 
Get one for yourself here:


Graffiti artists WILL receive $6.7million payout from developers who painted over their work: Supreme Court ends seven-year legal battle over destroyed 'graffiti mecca' in NYC 

This is just plain batshit fuckin' crazy.  

The artworks on the walls of old warehouse buildings in Queens became a 'graffiti mecca' known as 5Pointz , but the paintings were destroyed in 2013 to make room for high-rise luxury residences. 
Two years ago, a federal court awarded the damages after ruling that the destruction had violated the Visual Artists Rights Act, which protects art that has gained recognition. The decision was upheld by an appeals court in February, and the Supreme Court yesterday refused to hear the case - leaving the landlords with nowhere else to turn.


Make that fuckin' lemonade, Calvin...

A boy looks out at the wartime devastation of Essen, Germany in 1947.  You can almost hear the silence in the haunting and powerful image.


And on a totally unrelated note,  this is Bill Murray & Gilda Radner at Studio 54 back in 1978.
How do you think your dog feels about you being referred to as his 'owner'?

Slowly but steadily we are becoming a country that's just plain fuckin' petty. WTF happened here?

A spectacular side street doorway in Pienza, Italy. I could most definitely live behind that door - there's magic here.

A little late to the party with that shit, Officer Joe. Doesn't matter though, they'da burned the fuckin' city down no matter what.


I'll leave ya with this:


The Taylor ham/pork roll, egg and cheese is probably New Jersey's most iconic sandwich, with delis around the state claiming they make the best or the biggest or the most famous.  

Nothing gets us Jerseyans going like the mention of Taylor ham or pork roll, even if it degenerates into a sophomoric debate over which is the proper term.  

  For the zillionth time: All Taylor ham is pork roll, but not all pork roll is Taylor ham. The latter is a brand name. Don’t call it Taylor ham if it’s not Taylor ham.

THIS is Taylor Ham. Nothing else is. 
If you're from Jersey, you know it's true.

Can't get it in your local supermarket? 
Get some for yourself here:





This is (was) Candy Loving. She was Playboy's Playmate of the Month for the January 1979 issue. I just thought knowing that would make your day a little brighter.

Just in case you mighta forgot what a complete piece of shit this guy is...

“This is a rezoning that’s been proposed to really create substantial community benefit, and there’s a lot of support on the ground for the idea that there needs to be affordable housing in every community, including those that are upper income,” de Blasio said about the plan during his daily press briefing from City Hall.





Right click on the banner to open it in a new tab and see if there isn't something there that you just absolutely, positively havta have:


Pardon my shameless plugs of my wife's stuff, but she really is really good at making this stuff and I sure as fuck wanna make her happy - if ya know what I mean. Please take a minute to check out her etsy store - thanks!
... ... ... ... ... 

 My wife makes these beautiful, 
one of a kind jewelry pieces. 

Every one is hand-made using only the finest materials, yet they're very reasonably priced. Isn't there someone you know who'd like something very special?

Her jewelry is now available on Etsy. 

It's really nice stuff and the prices include 

free shipping to almost anywhere! 

See some for yourself here:



  1. I want to join the Martini Race Team, you could cut glass with those nipples
    Okay I give up, I know what LGBTQ stands for, but what's with the I A??
    Thankyou for Candy Loving, I'm still a Patti McGuire man myself

  2. The Good Morning photo is great!
