Monday, October 12, 2020

I know who I'm voting for now goddamit...

 First It was the little blonde cutie Taylor Swift (whom I'm guessing ain't all that swift) did it, now Greta has endorsed Joe. 

Count me the fuck in... 

Claiming she never engages in “party politics” teen 'climate change activist' and part-time fuckin' retard Greta Thunberg still opened her fuckin' yap and 'endorsed' Democratic nominee Joe Biden Saturday - as if we actually give a fuck what she thinks.  
“The upcoming US election is above and beyond all that. From a climate perspective it’s very far from enough and many of you of course supported other candidates. But, I mean…you know…damn! Just get organized and get everyone to vote #Biden. (VERY articulate sweetheart.)
Thunberg’s age - not to mention she's a fuckin' foreigner and a screaming fuckin' idiot - means she is ineligible to vote in the US, so why would we ever possibly gibe a fuck what she has to say about anything?

Joe and Kamala getting talking points 
and direction from their advisors...

These are MY political advisors...


Yeah - they'll do away with the bear hunt like the good tree-huggers and animal-rights activists they are, and a year or two down the road there'll be so many fuckin' bears in New Jersey (and we all know bears vote Republican 100% of the time) they'll change Jersey in to a Red state. Oh, and they'll  also be maiming and killing people, breaking in to houses helping themselves to your leftovers and destroying property and shit, but that's negligible...

What a miserable, despicable piece of shit.


In the days before Facebook...

Pence was here the other day. Jeez.

Vice President Mike Pence made a campaign stop Saturday afternoon in front of an enthusiastic crowd in the Brownwood section in The Villages. You cannot imagine what a gigantic clusterfuck it becomes when him or the Prez come down here for a rally. 

 Pence praised the community for having the state's best turnout in the 2016 election and said "the road to victory runs right through Florida" this year. There was a poll taken after 2016, and the said that 'If the election had only been held in The Villages and no where else in the country, Trump would have won with 92% of the vote'. 

That kinda tells ya how the people around hear might deal with Antifa 
and the rest of them BLM jerkoffs, huh?

Check out this editorial from four years ago. 

Same goes today, so I guess nobody listens & learns, huh?


(NEW YORK POST - October 9, 2016) - This year’s presidential election seems to be more divisive and personal — friendships fraying, families fighting and acquaintances going their separate ways — than in years past. And nowhere is that more apparent than on Facebook. Facebook isn’t for politics — or at least, it shouldn’t be. This is hard for people to understand because politics has otherwise permeated every part of our culture, so why not the most social of social media?
 People assume it’s normal to agitate for a candidate no matter their job and post positive information about their pick and negative information about the other guy (or gal). The articles, the GIFs and the “this late-night comedian just DEMOLISHED the candidate I don’t like” viral videos have become part and parcel of Facebook posts during the never-ending election season.


We usta call 'em backpacks, but now the new and hip thing to call 'em is 'bug-out bags'. No matter whatcha call 'em, this is a good bag.

Are you ready to get out and get going? This bag'll do ya.

For travel & overnights you can get this bag for 
less then $ 33.00 bucks. That's a helluva deal.
Get one for yourself here:

This should be interesting political theater, don'tcha think? 
Especially when Nadler gets involved...

RIP - Yogi and Eddie last week. Waiting for the third shoe to drop, whatever the fuck that metaphor is supposed to mean.

An enormous Joe Biden display made from 19 bales of hay was set ablaze across from a Massachusetts farm on Friday. The political message, which read “USA — Vote Biden Harris 2020,” was built by Dicken Crane, owner of Holiday Brook Farm, and a few other helpers a day before it was torched.
Dalton police on Saturday announced the arrest of 49-year-old suspect Lonnie Durfe, who was charged with arson. “The guy who did this was bragging in a bar that he was going to do it in front of a whole bunch of people and then when he went to the gas station to get the gas, he was bragging there that he was going to do it,” Crane said.




Facebook is FINALLY giving options to opt out on seeing some of the ridiculous fuckin' ads they're inundating us with now.

It's kinda confusing that Michigan is a 'swing state'. There's some pretty bad motherfuckers come outta that state.

The Queens College Arborarium in downtown Belfast, No. Ireland. 
What a beautiful part of the city...


Back a couple of months ago I hadda get new seat covers for my truck. These are the ones I ordered. This is an insane good product for the price.

My truck's a 2005 F-150 with 180,00 miles on it but still runs like a champ. I'll keep this fucker for another 15 years if I can get away with it. Anyway, the seats were showing their age, so I ordered these.

Only took about 20 minutes to install over the original seat covers and they look and work great. The package even comes with floor pads - at this price it was a helluva good deal.

Time for you to do the same? You'll find these there, but if have a different year or model, you can go here and search from there:



This is a classic example of why ya gotta do more than one source on ANY subject. It's no longer news - it's all fuckin' editorial. Just tell the fuckin' story Fred - I don't give a shit about your opinion. Enough already.

If THAT ain't the story of my life, nothin' is...


How fuckin' cool would it be to have something 
like this to tool around the neighborhood in, huh?

It really is worth checking out. They have 
some unbelievable deals happening.

I'd think that's kinda hard for firefighters in the midwest and the south to grasp...

Fuck this company and fuck the people who work there. I hope these jerkoffs go outta business in three days causa this stupidity. Juss' sayin'.

I'll leave ya with this:


Boy ain't that the truth. Like Kenny says - 'Don't blink'.



Do I even actually have to comment on this fuckin' insanity?

I figured it's film, and the rotation of the blade is exactly the same speed and the films' framing.

I couldn't do it. I'm having problems on bridges and high buildings nowadays as it is. There's no fuckin' way I could be anywhere near that place. Nice as it may be.

A picture is worth a thousand words!

This is one helluva tablet for $ 149 bucks. 

I just got this very one for my wife.





This is the backlot at Universal Pictures, Universal City, 1963. 





  1. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the Eskimo Pie name,but this is a new day isn't it. Can't wait for the re-branded Wash.Redskins name next year. Why don't they just go with Skins and call it a day

    1. It's now the washington football club. exciting, n'est pas?

  2. I wish you had an edit feature for our comments. I forgot to add please don't forget and give LeBron James some respect. He says it's to him.........A/HOLE!!

  3. The answer to those facebook ads is just to not go there or go just once a week to catch up.. I moved the facebook button to a back page of the browser so I have to think about it.

  4. Well it happened, we lost our 3rd baseball HOFer in less than a week. Joe Morgan is gone now too


We haven't seen the girls in a while. Let's have a drink with them...

 It's not like I was on the wagon or something...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   And the best for last as always... ....