Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Be careful what you say, Joe.

Biden at last night's open mike night:

“I grew up in a neighborhood where the guys I grew up with in my working class neighborhood became cops, firefighters, or priests. I wasn’t qualified to be any one of them"... 

He shoulda finished the sentence this way: 
"I wasn't qualified to be any of them 
so I became a Senator"


Let's get two East Coast teams and make them travel 3,000 miles to Southern California to play in a strange stadium in front of zero fuckin' people. Yeah - that's a great idea. WTF are these people thinking?

It was a 'Stantonian Blast'.


I can dream about you..

Hey - let's give a little shoutout 
to some of our foreign readers! 

It's so much fun to look and see where you guys are viewing the blog from, and even more so when ya see some of the places you guys are. Here's some cool examples:


C'mon, man - that's just Joe bein' Joe...


More than 7,000 movie screens will be dark in the U.S. this weekend as the Regal theater chain said it will shut down all 536 locations on Thursday. The closure reflects "an increasingly challenging theatrical landscape" due to the COVID-19 pandemic and is said to be temporary, but we'll wait and see.

I don't see how movie theaters - as an industry - survive this clusterfuck. Between a severe lack of new inventory - read:movies -  to show and the alarmingly popular trend towards streaming services, who the fuck is gonna want to go to the movie theaters any more?

The last time I was in a movie theater was to see the movie 'Analyze this' when it was first released. That was 21 years ago.


You guys know I carry an 'Old Timer' Schrade pocket knife. 

It's my personal choice - doesn't have to be yours of course. 
My buddy Jay carries this model Buck knife, and I really don't mind showing it to you here. 
It's really kinda like exactly like mine but it's different. Ya follow?

See for yourself if this isn't something you might like. 
You can buy it here directly from Buck at a huge discount:


These two guys would crack me up more than they do if they weren't so dangerously fuckin' batshit fuckin' crazy.

This cracks  me the fuck up. They're just NOW saying this? Get the fuck outta here ya fuckin' genius friggin' morons. Jeezzzzzz.

Philippe Petit walks across a wire suspended between the Twin Towers in 1974. What kinda steel ya think his balls were made off?



"And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.

My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man."

Great words from a Democrat - JFK's Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961

Rivington Street in the Lower East Side of Manhattan, circa 1900.

1 - Ain't gonna snow here
2 - If it snows here it'll suck
3 - If it snows here you're fucked up north. Juss sayin'

Yeah - that's legit. I took that picture. Right here in The Villages. Now you tell me people don't have entirely too much time on their hands...

This is one helluva tablet for under 150 bucks. 

I just got this very one for my wifeShe loves it. 
It a popular item with our readers, also - 
ya really can't knock it at this price...


The Fed's have been up this crazy motherfucker's ass for a long, long time. Be interesting to watch where they go from here with this...

John McAfee, the antivirus software entrepreneur, has been charged with evading taxes after failing to report millions earned promoting cryptocurrencies, consulting work, speaking engagements and the sale of the rights to his life story for a documentary.

John F. Kennedy campaigning in Newark,NJ in 1962.


This what happens when lightening strikes 
sand. Generating heat up to 3200 degrees.

Love him or hate him, the guy IS pretty fuckin' entertaining...




If there's a short-list of the shit I miss about living in Jersey, this is certainly on it. The closest White Castle to me is in Orlando - 53 miles away - and who the fuck wants to go to Orlando for any reason anyway?

Because wearing that dopey lookin'  black death mask 
evidently isn't fuckin' stupid enough.

'Let's get a trampoline for the backyard' she said. 
'It'll be fun' she said.


This has been a very popular item on the blog of late, and for good reason. There's strange shit happening all over these days, so it makes sense. 

People have told me that not only are they buying them for themselves,  they're buying them for their kids, their girlfriends and their wives - even their parents, and for good reason. I think that's a great idea. Better safe than sorry is the best way to be these days...

There are a couple different strengths available here - find the one that's right for you:

In the days before Facebook, 
this was instant messaging...

I'll leave ya with this:



None of these KIDS needed 'a safe place' 
to avoid being insulted or bullied...


Here's another great weekend-getaway bug-out bag

Find it for yourself here:


This guy spins more than a fuckin' turntable. 
'What direction ya headin' in today, plugs?'

Sophia Loren in her apartment in Rome, 1957

This is one tough broad. I like her alot.

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany has spoken out for the first time since testing positive for COVID-19 and praised President Donald Trump for showing Americans that the US will overcome the coronavirus. 

During an interview on Fox News' Hannity , McEnany, who announced her positive test results on Monday, said that she's 'feeling great' and 'having no symptoms' of the virus. 'You know I'm very blessed to have a mild case or really just an asymptomatic case. You know my heart goes out to all those who have been really affected by this and all those who have lost their lives.'  


Critics tear into Joe Biden for saying wealthy people were able to stay at home during the COVID lockdown because 'some black woman was able to stack the grocery shelf'

Joe really is his own worst enemy.

People lined up for hours last night hoping to 
get in to Biden's Town Hall thing in Miami...

It's funny - all the people gangin' up 
on the old dude aren't wearing masks.

Wudda piece of shit. Juss' sayin'.


Dance us out, girls...



Want to find something nice 
for your wife or girlfriend?  

Even better - let them get something nice for themselves...

My wife's jewelry is now available on Etsy. It's really nice stuff and the prices include free shipping to almost anywhere! 

See some for yourself here:


  1. Locking down NY again?
    Look at Sweden (line #42) https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries where they didn't lock down, close the schools or trash their economy. Specifically the "Deaths/1M pop" column.

    You'll notice that doing nothing gave them better results than the US (line #1).

  2. The point of going to a movie was getting out of the house, having a little fun.

    PS The two standing guys in the comic look like Henry Morgan and Captain Kangaroo.

    There's a blast from the 50s.

    1. Kangaroo I get - Morgan's a stretch...

      People are too friggin' scared to go out these days thanks to the fuckin' media.
