Saturday, August 8, 2020

They say 'The numbers never lie'. It's sorta true...

It's people that lie about the numbers... 

This colorized photo, by the way, is my Grandmother Camille when she was 17. At that age (in 1919) she was working as a professional ballroom dancer.

I get all kinda giggly and shit when I see stuff like this. Can you imagine how big the worms are inside her head? Ghislaine Maxwell wanted to recruit Paris Hilton for Jeffrey Epstein after seeing her for the first time, a former friend of the British socialite has claimed.

Christopher Mason said Maxwell stopped in her tracks and said ‘oh my god’ when she saw a young Hilton at a party. Maxwell said she would be ‘perfect for Jeffrey’ and told a friend: ‘Can you introduce us?



Street art is very important.

This is called 'The Monument Of An Anonymous Passerby' and it's in downtown Wroclaw, Poland. If you pay attention, you'll find most street art to be very striking. 
BLM "murals" are NOT street art.

Hundreds of thousands of bikers rode to Sturgis, South Dakota,  and Gov. Kristi Noem encouraged rally attendance, which is a lifeline for local businesses.


Want to find something nice for your wife or girlfriend (or both)? 

My wife's jewelry is now available on Etsy. It's really nice stuff and the prices include free shipping to almost anywhere! 

See some for yourself here:


In 2020, the Perseids are expected to peak on Aug. 11 and 12, 
when the moon should be a little less than half full. 

The popularity of the shower is a combination of the fact that it's one of the strongest, with up to 100 visible meteors per hour on average, and it's coinciding with warm summer nights in the northern hemisphere. The waning moon is likely to wash out many otherwise visible meteors, but that still leaves plenty that should be easy to see if you do a little planning. 

In general, a good strategy is to head out to look for the Perseids as late in the evening as possible, but still before moonrise at your location. So in New York, for example, you'd want to be as far away from all that light pollution as possible by about 11 p.m. on Tuesday evening (the peak night) because the moon will rise about an hour later at 12:08 a.m. on Wednesday. (You can look up sunset and moonrise for your location with a site like

Have an SUV or pickup truck? 
This'll work for ya...

for Tactical Weapons (48"-54" width) 

Somebody's got a sense of humor...

The despicable scumbags in Government and the media keeping people frightened and restaurants closed will all have blood on their hands. 

We HAVE to hold them accountable for this coming disaster.

It’s no secret that the hospitality industry is in crisis. Independent restaurants and bars have been closing all over the country. A coalition formed with the James Beard Foundation and leading chefs has been lobbying for an aid package that would target independent restaurants.

The group released figures on Thursday from ongoing surveys that paint a very bleak picture of the prognosis for restaurants to make it through the winter.

16 MILLIONThe number of workers that the hospitality industry, along with some ancillary industries, employs in the nation, according to the Independent Restaurant Coalition. Restaurant employees account for one in four people who are unemployed nationally.

New Jersey is like a mob-controlled state. The Unions and the big, fucked up Dem-controlled cities run the state.

It’s no surprise that the cost of living in New Jersey is sky high. Your purchasing power - how much you can get for your money - basically stinks compared to most other states.

The value of $100 in New Jersey, because of high costs, is really worth $86.81, according to an analysis be The Tax Foundation. Only Hawaii ($84.67), New York ($85.91), the District of Columbia ($86.13) and California ($86.66) have less purchasing power than New Jersey

Cris Shapan is a genius. 
A mad genius, but genius none the less.


I like simple. This is simple.

 See it for yourself:

Back in 1930, California was producing nearly one quarter of the entire world’s oil output. These oil wells - on the beach in Venice, California - were still operational in 1952.

Venice Beach in the 60's.

Venice Beach in the 80's.


This year's virtual, time-crunched Democrat 
National Convention isn't making space 
for many top Democrats to speak.

The DNC has set aside just two hours every night from August 17–20 for the convention where former Vice President Joe Biden will accept the nomination. That has led the Biden campaign to make some "ruthless cuts" to the speaker's scheduled.
It goes without saying that the party's two most popular figures, Barack & Michelle will get a big role even with time so limited. 

 Bill and Hillary are in as well. But some Democrats have "grumbled" that if Hillary Clinton is appearing, failed nominees like Al Gore and John Kerry probably should too... Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez  reportedly doesn't have a slot yet, nor do any of her fellow progressive political newcomers. 

Who wants to hear from them fuckin' whack-jobs anyway?




Portland police have accused protesters of throwing rocks and chunks of concrete at them, and using lasers to try and blind them, on another night of violence in the Oregon city. Friday night marked the 72nd straight night of protests, which generally begin peacefully and then descend in to violence.

How is this fuckin' nonsense allowed to continue? Are the civic leaders in cities like this THAT fucked up? 

It's unbelievable to me, and I'll tell ya something I know for sure. This shit would never ever be tolerated here in North Central Florida. There's too many of us good ole boys here with guns and balls to ever tolerate this kinda bullshit.

Jorma and Jack at Woodstock (as part of Jefferson Airplane) in 1969. Imagine that - 51 YEARS GONE BY...

These are very popular here in Florida.
It would work really well in Portland.

See for yourself here:

Hats In New York, 1930
Perspective is everything.

This guy is absolutely posifuckintively unfuckin'believably 
stark-ravin' batshit fuckin' crazy.



I'll have to include this in my next book: 
"More shit I don't fuckin' understand at all" 
coming out late next year from Schuman and Sheister.

The Twin Peaks chain has been hit with a federal lawsuit by 34 former 'breastaurant' employees claiming sexual harassment, multiple forms of discrimination and the 'sexual exploitation of young women.' 

The lawsuit, filed Thursday in the US District Court for Northern District of Illinois, seeks a jury trial while also claiming that the restaurant chain is 'Run very much like a commercial sex ring, torn from a pimp's playbook.' Twin Peaks is a sports bar and restaurant chain which promises eats, drinks and 'scenic views,' served up by scantily-clad women. The restaurant beckons patrons with the slogan: 'Welcome to the lodge, MANTALITY.' Most of the 34 plaintiffs - almost all women - were employees at Twin Peaks locations in Oakbrook, Orland Park, Wheeling and Warrenville (inset), Illinois. Other plaintiffs worked in Twin Peaks in Plano, Round Rock and Frisco, Texas, or Orlando, Florida. 

Examples of the non-standard theme week wardrobe allegedly required of a Twin Peaks server are pictured at right. The restaurant chain's official uniform is a plaid shirt and short shorts (as seen in file image at left).

I guess none of them read the employee handbook, huh? 
WTF is wrong with people nowadays? Jeez.

I'm done. I'll leave ya with this:






There's a nation-wide coin shortage. 
There really is. Really.
I wouldn't kid you.

Bust open that coin jar you have and cash 'em in. 
This'll make it easy for you.
Get yours here:




Yer killin' me Auntie - can't get one by you. Here ya go...

...    When you buy your wife, daughter or girfriend gifts of the jewelry Barbara makes, you do three things:  You show your support for thi...