Thursday, July 16, 2020

Some mid-day L&M maybe?

These guys were the soundtrack 
to my early 20's... 

Best of friends - the whole album



Like what you're hearing here? There's so much more great 
70's Rock to explore with Amazon Prime Music. 

Find out for yourself - right click on the banner to make it 
open in a new tab and see for yourself:



Social distancing 
redefined for runners.

Find it here:








Me  - a million years ago...



Going to WalMart or Sam's?
Ya need a mask now.

I realize many of you are still looking to buy good,
 reasonably priced protective masks. Here they are.

For men and women. Take a look for yourself:






Right click on the banner to open it in a new tab or window:


While yer listening, scroll down and catch up on some earlier posts - there a lot there! Enjoy...

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What the hell is wrong with you people in Georgia? The title is 'MISS Buckhead' you jugheads...

Buckhead is an affluent suburb of Atlanta if ya didn't know. Affluent these days pretty much means 'liberal', but even so, it...