Friday, July 17, 2020

Are we living in the land of Nod?

Sometimes ya wanna just grab a protester or a journalist or just about anybody and do this... 



It is getting a little toasty out there - is it global warming? Oh, that's right - we don't call it that any more...


Somebody should get the Nobel Prize for naming their bar.

There are protests over stupid shit, and then 
there's these poor bastards.

These Iranian women are pictured protesting the fact that they will be forced to wear the Hijab after the overthrow of the Shah. This protest happened just days after the revolution in Iran in 1979. The Hijab rule is still in effect.


I don't I've ever in my life hated someone 
as much as these people hate Trump.


Nancy Pelosi says coronavirus aid bill will cost 
at least $1.3 trillion, but ‘that’s not enough’ - 
How much is enough Nancy?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says a developing coronavirus relief bill will cost at least $1.3 trillion, but argues it is not enough as the pandemic spreads unabated. Congress has only days to extend a $600 per week enhanced unemployment benefit that has been a critical lifeline for jobless Americans during the economic crisis. 

Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell need to resolve several key issues, including how to help schools reopen safely and whether to send another round of direct payments, provide more relief to state and local governments and deliver assistance to renters and homeowners.

It's almost incomprehensible to me how genuinely fuckin' stupid some of these people are.

Somewhere along the line everybody's fucked.


Looking for a handy, inexpensive kit for cleaning 
your handguns? This may be the answer. 

You'll find it here:
Ya see these kinda items and immediately think - Why does anyone think we give a fuck what he thinks about anything?

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg on Thursday criticized the Trump Administration’s handling of the Covid-19 pandemic during an interview with Dr. Shortguy. Zuckerberg said he believed the resurgence of the coronavirus in the U.S. in July could’ve been avoided. 

“At this point, it is clear that the trajectory in the U.S. is significantly worse than many other countries and that our government and this administration have been considerably less effective in handling this,” Zuckerberg said.



Do you understand the concept 
of situational awareness?



The environment has gotten really toxic out there - do ya ever wonder why?




This guy has an amazing knack for pissing people off, doesn't he?

Mayor Bill de Blasio says he has “no respect” for one of the most outspoken NYPD union presidents, who has repeatedly attacked the mayor — calling him a “disgrace” and a “liar.”

“The [Sergeants Benevolent Association] has only practiced division, they foment hatred … they do not try to help us move forward,” de Blasio said Thursday during his daily press conference.“ They don’t try to create anything good. I have no respect for the leadership of the SBA.” SBA president Ed Mullins has repeatedly blasted the mayor on social media during his tenure, including once declaring “war” on City Hall — which landed him under investigation.

Meanwhile, the jerkoffs do stuff like this:

Without bail. WTF is wrong here? 


Every driver you'll ever need in one complete setup? Absofrigginlutely.

You'll find it here:


The WHO brain trust got together to make 
a few more ridiculous projections.

City officials in Philadelphia now say that fans won't be allowed at Eagles, Phillies games in 2020. Tell me then what exactly the fuck is the reason for playing the games - to mollify the TV networks?


Right click on the banner 
to open it in a new tab.



That little ball of fire up in the sky is pretty friggin' spectacular. The solar orbiter is up there taking a closer look.


I think I have a new idol:

A California man was arrested and ordered held without bond on Thursday for fraudulently obtaining some $9 million in coronavirus relief funds and using some of the money to gamble in Las Vegas.

Andrew Marnell, 40, a resident of the Beverly Grove neighborhood of Los Angeles, allegedly submitted a number of fraudulent loan applications in relation to the coronavirus pandemic and obtained millions in Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funds.

Prosecutors say he used some of the money to make risky stock market bets, and squandered hundreds of thousands of dollars at the Bellagio Hotel and Casino and other gambling establishments in Las Vegas as recently as last weekend.

That really is just friggin' insane, isn't it?
I mean insane like in a good way insane.


We've become addicted to numbers, but the numbers are bullshit, and we havta stop doing this every friggin' day. Read this again. Take Florida as an example. 

58 cases per 100,000 population.  

Ten percent of 100,00 is 10,000. One percent of 100,000 is 1,000. One tenth of one percent is 100. 

Your talking about a little more than one half of one tenth of the population testing positive a crisis? Are you kidding me?


Exactly why I don't own a dog.
 Because you can't - they own you...


I'll leave ya with this:


My wife has developed a new 'affinity' for baking. Doesn't break my heart - she's getting really good at it. 

Any way - she bought this stuff online about two months ago. I've honestly never tasted or tried any Vanilla anything that was even remotely as good as this is.

It's available in a number of different sized bottles.
 Find it here and see for yourself:


  1. TX just deleted half its "new" cases as mere probables. Probably applies to the rest of the country.

    PS Points from the Rand Paul Fauci go-round yesterday

    In experiments, rhesus monkeys infected with COVID-19 can’t be reinfected

    Studies have shown plasma from recovered COVID-19 patients neutralizes the virus in lab experiments

    The entire premise of convalescent plasma treatment, mentioned by several on the panel as a potential treatment currently in trials, is that recovered patients develop immunity capable of killing the virus

    Recovering patients across the board are showing significant antibody response

    We know SARS and MERS, coronaviruses with similar clinical presentations, confer immunity for at least 2-3 years

    Fauci weaseled, but basically agreed.

    After ripping the phony modeling, Paul dropped the big one on the little guy

    I don’t think you are the end-all. I don’t think you are the one person that gets to make a decision. We can listen to your advice, but there are people on the other side saying there is not going to be a surge and we can safely open the economy. The facts will bear this out.

    I think this needs to be spread far and wide.


The Manson Family versus Animal House? Really?

There is a really funny - and quite indepth - article on this very subject here: