Monday, July 27, 2020

Are all politicians morons or is it just me?

It really does make ya wonder just what exactly the fuck is going on inside their heads... 

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Sunday blamed The Post for Florida and Arizona’s surging coronavirus cases. “The Wall Street Journal, New York Post — they continue to beat a horse that is dead: ‘We should reopen the economy faster in New York,’ ‘The infection rate is low; re-open faster,'” Cuomo ranted to reporters during an early-morning conference call.

“The infection rate is low because we have done an intelligent, phased reopening. What they are advocating has been demonstrated to be wrong and to be a failure,” the governor continued.

“Florida listened to the New York Post. Texas listened to the Wall Street Journal. Arizona listened to the Wall Street Journal and the New York Post. That was wrong. That was wrong.”

One thing you need to remember about every single one of these jerkoffs advocating staying shut down? Every one of them has a guaranteed job with a government funded guaranteed income. They couldn't give a flying rat's ass fuck about you or your family or your family business. 

As Cuomo famously said: "Old people die - that's what they do". Like the 69,000 seniors that he sent to their deaths in assisted-living places.


The head of New Jersey’s largest teachers union said in an interview published Friday that New Jersey’s schools don’t have enough time to pull together proper protocols to safely reopen by September.

They've had since March. How long do they think they should have had? Morons. They're all duplicitous lying scumbag morons.

You do realize that if the schools do NOT open in September, all of the teachers still get paid, right?



She's always been a hottie, but this is ridiculous. 
Elizabeth Hurley is 55.

None the less, there's still this:


Looking back in time is always fun. 

Like the time Wendy O'Williams & The Plasmatics appeared on the TV show 'Solid Gold' and performed their hit (not really - they were a flash in the pan) 'Black Leather Monster'.

She did have a pretty killer body, I'll give her that.



At $ 149.00 for the 20v set, 
this is one helluva deal. 
See it for yourself here:


For some reason, this makes me happy.
 I have never liked this guy.

Looks like we're getting more free shit from Sammy. 
You do know your kids and grandkids are gonna 
have to pay for this shit, right?

Finalizing the Fat Man atomic bomb, which was dropped on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945.

 On its nose it had stenciled the acronym JANCFU- Joint Army-Navy-Civilian Fuck Up.

Is it possible that every single person in an American city is a fuckin' asshole? Certainly looks like this is the case here. Reports of shots fired at Portland's Lownsdale Square emerged at around 7.30pm local time as witnesses said a fight broke out between several armed individuals. 

The Portland Police Department confirmed that two people had been taken into custody following the incident and said one person was hospitalized with non-life threatening injuries.

60 nights in a row. Think about it.



Great tool bags. 
I have a couple of them.

Get a couple for yourself here at a great price:

Armed BLM protester shot dead alongside his quadruple amputee fiancee during Austin march by a motorist who drove into the crowd and opened fire.

I don't get these people. I just don't. Do they really think that somehow other people are gonna let them get away with this shit forever?

Why exactly are these people protesting?

Or so they'll say.




This is a headline. This is considered 'NEWS'.
This is pathetic. Really.




Last night's dinner. Ridiculously good.

Here's a really good pizza stone 
if you don't already have one:

You can use this for more than just pizzas but remember - never EVER wash it with soap and water. You can scrape off the chunky stuff but leave the baked-on stuff stay there. That's what adds the seasoning to the stone itself - the longer you use it, the better the flavor enhancement you'll get out of it.

Find one for yourself here at a REALLY good price:

In 1950, Sophia Loren was just fifteen-year-old when she stood in line with the other young girls hoping to win the glittering prize of Miss Italy in Rome

As fucked up as this season is gonna be - it's REALLY friggin' weird for these guys to play in empty stadiums - this does make me happy. Even got to watch all three games thanks to MLB being free for the last coupla days.

Jeffrey Epstein's Upper East Side mansion lists for $88M

Ya know, they still haven't quite figured out how this guy got all the money he had. The whole story is fuckin' crazy.


Because we're idiots, that's why...

Right click on the banner and it'll open in a new tab:




Note to Major League baseball players:
 This is when you kneel.



And I'll leave ya with this:



These are very popular here in Florida.
Would it work for you?

See for yourself here:







  1. As they used to say in Tinsletown, "Good skin, good bones".

    Ms Hurley is like the late Olivia de Havilland, her looks are lasting a long time because she takes care of herself and doesn't mess them up with a lot of Teflon.


'I have a bad feeling about this, Bradley...'

...     Is your 'special lady' friend Irish? She'd probably love to have this... Click on the picture above for information on t...