Friday, June 12, 2020

No news is good news. Trust me.

I don't read newspapers as a rule. I can usually learn everything I need to know from just the headline. After that it's all opinion... 

But I'll still torture you with my fillers and opinions.


I thought I was hallucinating 
when I saw this:

An internal company memo, obtained by BuzzFeed News, contends that wearing clothing and accessories highlighting Black Lives Matter could be misunderstood and potentially incite violence. A Starbucks spokesperson said the company is 'dedicated to helping end "systemic racism," but that the dress code policy would remain in place because it was necessary "to create a safe and welcoming" environment for customers and staff.'

The memo reminded employees of an existing company policy that forbids accessories that advocate a political, religious or personal issue. However, several Starbucks staffers reportedly said the company commonly permits them to don accessories that promote marriage equality and LGBTQ rights. Some employees claimed that the company recently gave them pins and Gay Pride shirts, since June is Pride Month.

Speaking of Seattle - 




I've been in love with this woman ever since I met her in 'My Cousin Vinnie". She doesn't even know I exist. Crap. 

“I really regret starting down this road and I really regret starting to do that,” Tomei said. “I was, you know, talked into it - not , but I mean just that change - and I really always felt like, ‘Oh, I could play a lot of things.’ Honestly, playing a mom is probably more of a stretch than other things. 


These are crazy times for sure. 
This is a great little security item for your 
wife's car or your truck 

There are a couple different sizes and strengths available 
but you can find this one here:


A war of wills is breaking out in New Jersey. 
Their Gubernator Dickhead Murphy's a fuckin' whackjob who will hopefully soon fade in to nothingness.  




When Mr. Floyd was laid to rest, they had a funeral procession for him. I wonder who picked up the tab for the whole thing?


This is what you see 
if you don't read 'into' a news item:

This is exactly why I hate the fuckin' media:

NY POST: Florida on Thursday broke its record for the highest number of coronavirus cases reported in a single day since the beginning of the pandemic. The Sunshine’s State department of health reported 1,698 new COVID-19 infections — almost 20 percent higher than the previous daily high of 1,419 cases recorded last Thursday. There are now at least 69,069 reported cases and 2,848 deaths tied to the outbreak in Florida, according to the latest numbers released Thursday.

Gov. Ron DeSantis was asked whether he would consider rolling back reopening plans over the increase in cases — and said the spike was tied to an increase in testing, according to Local 10 News in Tallahassee. Florida reports having completed over 1.3 million COVID-19 tests, with 5.3 percent coming back positive, according to the outlet.

They just barely mention that it's the result of very advanced screening going on down here, and that most people tested positive are asymptomatic. 

Forget it Bud, they ain't listenin'.



A statue of Christopher Columbus was beheaded by protesters on Thursday as the city tried to remove the monument from a park in Camden, New Jersey.

The city of Camden said the statue in Farnham Park has “long pained residents of the community” and attempted to remove the structure on Thursday evening in advance of a planned protest at the site. But as city workers tried to remove the monument, demonstrators lopped off its head and hoisted it into the air before placing it on the statue’s base.

Mommy has a VERY successful snow shovel 
business I'm guessing...

Just four days after kneeling with protesters in Manhattan, Lt. Robert Cattani issued an apology to his fellow cops for the decision and claimed he will regret it for the rest of his life. 

Motherfucker might as well put in his 
retirement papers today.

Projects around the house maybe?

Might be nice to have some serious tool upgrades - 
maybe you should make them a little 'gift' to yourself.

They charge super fast and hold a charge longer 
than any other drill I've ever owned.
Get them here at a phenomenal price:

Yeah, he's fucked too...

Meanwhile, also in the Windiest City:

Chicago police union boss says he’ll boot cops 
who kneel with protestors

'Bout time somebody ballsed up on this nonsense.

This is Charlie Chaplin and Helen Keller chatting on the set of his newest movie back in  1919 - That's 101 years ago if ya din't figure it out for yourself. She never did get a chance to see the final cut of the movie for herself.

They do love their fuckin' numbers, don't they? How on earth could this bullshit possibly be accurate? It's impossible, but they'll print it like it's written in stone.

Lady Antebellum says it needs that name no more.

Charles Kelley, Hillary Scott and Dave Haywood perform onstage during the 2019 CMT Artists of the Year ceremony in Nashville.

The country-pop trio have renounced the name that fans have known since Charles Kelley, Dave Haywood and Hillary Scott joined forces in 2006. The trio broke down on Twitter just why - in the wake of George Floyd’s death in police custody and the Black Lives Matter movement that has intensified in its wake - it is changing its name. As of Wednesday, call them Lady A.

Or you could call them 'WTF just happened to my career?'


If ya listen to the polls as reported, this brain-dead old fuck is ahead of the President by 10 points? 

On what fuckin' planet do they do these polls? And for that matter, has anyone or anyone you know ever been asked to be part of one of these polls? 

I sure as fuck haven't and nobody I know either.


Improved testing brings increased results, and the one thing they don't tell ya is that the vast majority of those 'positives' are asymptomatic.

Salvador Dalí painting an abstract portrait 
of Raquel Welch in 1965

Lucky - batshit crazy bastard.



I'll leave ya with this:




This is a helluva good deal. You can tool-up 
in one quick shot at a great price.

Find this low-priced set here:

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