Saturday, June 20, 2020

Me? Drinking with German girls again? I guess I can't help myself.

Feel free to help yourself...










You can drink like it's Oktoberfest all year 'round 
with a coupla these...

They hold a lot of beer - if that ain't enough I don't know what to tell ya...

Find 'em here for yourself:








This is a great little First Aid Kit for the house or the car. I strongly advise people to have at least one. I really do.

Find one (or two) for yourself here:

Are they ALL built like that? Jeezzzzz.

That first one on the right is super cute.





I am not ashamed in any way to admit this - actually I'm kinda proud of myself for shedding foolish ideals I've carried around for entirely too long.

I will be voting for the very first time this year, and this is the hat I'll be wearing that day.

Want one for yourself? Click here:


  1. Not saying the girls aren't German, but the top photo was taken in Boulder, CO. The mountains in the background are the Flatirons.

  2. Im drinking with the girls not the mountains...
