Monday, May 18, 2020

Are you as tired as this guy looks?

They usta call John Gotti 'The Teflon Don' before he finally got taken down. Trump's kinda got that Teflon vibe going also... 

Honestly, I don't know how the dude abides. They been busting his balls non-stop since before the inauguration.



She only gets better with age. 
I really REALLY like this lady.

Hundreds and hundreds of planes sitting idle in the desert as we speak. 
How much ya think that's costing the airlines every day the bullshit continues? Makes ya wonder if any of them will make it out of this shutdown alive and able to function.


How frikkin' goofy can people get 
behind this 'social distancing' nonsense?

This frikkin' goofy:

A Maryland bar unveiled an innovative solution to help patrons remain socially distant when they fully reopen — inner tubes on wheels. Fish Tales in Ocean City rolled out new “social distancing tables” on Saturday, recording their maiden voyages on Facebook Live.

“Only at Fish Tales can you find these special tables for social distancing,” “They are six feet apart. You can drink safely,”  as a number of employees tested out the contraptions, wheeling them from the back of a truck onto the bar’s property. The tables will be available to customers “whenever we are allowed to serve,” the woman who works there said.


My world is turned completely upside down 
and will remain that way forever. 

The Long Branch Police Department is opening the state's first "resiliency room" to help officers cope with the daily stresses of their job. 
For a very brief time in the 70's I was a member of the Newark, NJ Police Department. A very short time, but that's story for another day. When I was on the job, they didn't hand out crying towels.
I really do believe this is part and parcel of the pussification of this country. That's just the way I feel. My bad.



US Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wants to raise taxes on the rich — just not pay her own. The Democratic socialist congresswoman from The Bronx still hasn’t paid a 7-year-old tax bill leftover from a failed business venture.

Up in Jersey the media is a buncha fuckin' liberal pussies who whine about everything. Case in point? Here's an editorial headline from this weekend:

The line for beach badges in this Shore town draws outcry. ‘What were you thinking opening the beaches?’ 

This picture accompanied 
the wussy little diatribe. 

The line to purchase seasonal beach badges on the Belmar boardwalk on Saturday, May 16, 2020.

Gimme a fuckin' break. No wonder the cops need crying rooms.  Jeezzzzzz.

Yeah - if only we had some kinda switch 
we could flick on and off, right?

Depending on where you live, these might be 
necessary for the next coupla months. 
 There's gonna be a whole lotta places you won't be able to go to for a long fuckin' time  without wearing a mask. You can get these masks super fast - they're in stock and ready to ship. Best part? They're washable.

If ya don't use 'em all they're still great 
for around the shop or the job site - and they're washable.


Yankees stand to be MLB’s biggest losers in coronavirus-shortened season 

Owners want players to agree to a 50-50 revenue-sharing plan. Players want the owners to stick to their previous agreement to prorate salaries for the 2020 season.

According to the Associated Press, “Major League Baseball told players their prorated salaries would contribute to an average loss of $640,000 for each game over an 82-game season in empty ballparks.”

The New York Yankees alone would have $312 million in local losses when calculating their earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization. New York’s figure includes about $100 million in payments toward the bonds that financed new Yankee Stadium. The Los Angeles Dodgers were at $232 million in local losses, followed by the New York Mets at $214 million, Chicago Cubs at $199 million and Boston Red Sox at $188 million. 

How could I possibly add to that?

Wuddya think of the coloring job? This is from a website called My Heritage. Pretty fuckin' impressive software, really.

By the way, the model's name is Vicki Dugan. Pretty gal back when.



Little early in the storm season for this shit, isn't it?

North Carolina issues storm warning and heavy rain batters Florida as tropical storm Arthur forms off the coast 


The one on the right is pretty friggin' fat, ain't it?

Where the pizza  is terrible. 

So I make my own with dough that I buy at Publix markets. It's actually as good as any I ever got back home, so I wonder why the pies in the pizzerias around here is so fuckin' lame.

Anyway, you can make a good pie at home too. 
The first and most important trick is to have a really good pizza stone to bake the pie on. Then put your oven on as hot as you possibly can (not broil, dummy). Then - NEVER EVER clean the stone with water or anything else. That's the trick to seasoning the stone. Leave the shmutz on the stone - trust me.

Here's a good stone to have :

You can get one for yourself here:

NASCAR returns to empty grandstands as tracks remain closed amid coronavirus pandemic - but fans still turn up to cheer and tailgate outside  

Ya can't keep a good ole boy race car lovin' redneck boy down, now can ya?
Nascar returned to its regular season on Sunday with The Real Heroes 400 cup series race at Darlington Raceway in Darlington, South Carolina. Nascar temporarily shuttered its season for 10 weeks amid the coronavirus pandemic in March. No fans were allowed inside Darlington Raceway on Sunday and a limited number of personnel were allowed inside during the race. 

Europe must 'prepare for a second deadly wave of the coronavirus', WHO director warns, instead of celebrating dwindling daily figures   




'My voice belongs to no one but me'

Pussified and ever-offended liberal jerkoff actor Bill Pullman hit back at Trump for tweeting the spoof video of himself delivering a speech with his head superimposed over the actor's in the movie 'Independence Day'. 

Some people really need to just shut the fuck up and get some kinda sense of humor. don't they? Jeez.


Can ya imagine how much that musta stunk after only a coupla days? What the fuck were we thinking back then?


This is from the 'Are these fuckin' 
people serious?' files:

A priest in Michigan has inspired a series of funny memes after social media users noticed his original way of carrying out blessings during the shutdown. Father Tim Pelc was seen adapting the tradition of the Blessing of Easter Food Baskets at St. Ambrose Parish in Detroit last month, using a plastic water gun to spritz people in order to stick to social distancing measures.



I don't wanna play anymore. 
I'll leave you with this:






This may be the ultimate 'bathroom book'.
Get it for yourself here:


  1. Fox news this morning in New Jersey Pete Hedspeth was reporting outside a gym that was opening despite the lock down and would do so every day no matter what. Owners were prepared to be arrested if need be.Squad cars blocking the parking lot but a lot of people walked in and some idiots just muggin' for the cameras.

  2. Welcome to the New Normal fellow Inmates...Our Glorious and All Knowing public servants will let us know when we can enjoy some of our former rights...They will also tell us exactly how far apart to stand...When we can move...How we are allowed to breath...Where, when and what we are allowed to eat...Whether we are allowed to get a hair cut or even walk our dog...Thank the Glorious public servants who live our lives for us...What ever did we do in the before Wuhan Virus time? Who told us how to live?

  3. DeSantis has done a great job here in Florida. It's the Lib/Dem states that are all fucked up...

  4. The line to purchase seasonal beach badges on the Belmar boardwalk on Saturday, May 16, 2020.

    ...and why TF does any citizen need to purchase a permit to go to and use a beach? See they've been conditioning us for YEARS and we never did a fookin thing about it. They've already had all of the business owners right where they want them by REQUIRING a license just to open a business. ANY BUSINESS. If it's a place that serves food, it's extra for the Board of Health certification. Beach permits, fishing licenses, hunting licenses, drivers licenses, car registrations because all of those things are PRIVILEGES according to our lords and masters. Land of the free and home of the sheep.

    1. You're obviously not from NJ - one of the 8,432 reasons I left there...
