Tuesday, May 19, 2020

An ounce of prevention is worthless according to some...

Evidently, the NY Daily News Editorial Board doesn't like the President... 

Their editorial board doesn't like the fact that he's following his doctor's orders. It really does make ya wonder how deep the level of hate is in so many people - as I've noted before, if he cured cancer they'd find a way to twist it against him somehow.

This is what they wrote yesterday:  

" 'Ask your doctor' are how all those TV ads for prescription medications go, along with the required scary warnings that in rare cases, your head may suddenly explode. Well, one patient who asked his doctor is Donald J. Trump, who “heard a lot of good stories” how hydroxychloroquine and zinc could ward off coronavirus."

"The way Trump, a well-established liar, told it Monday afternoon, the White House physician said okay and wrote the prescription for him to take the pill daily. A week and a half later, so far, so good, says the huckster who calls himself president."


N.J. reveals multi-stage coronavirus reopening plan. 
We’re in ‘Stage 1,' Gov. Murphy says.

Those poor bastards. This guy is a fuckin' fruit loop. I can't even imagine what's gonna be left with the economies of these states run into the ground by idiot governors.

Because he's done such a good job already.


Meanwhile, we can all do something good...



I've been saying all along that these Governors have been egregiously over-stepping their authorities with all this restriction bullshit, but my opinion obviously means bupkiss.

Judge tosses coronavirus restrictions by Oregon governor

Why do people keep voting for people who look like this?

A judge in Oregon on Monday ruled that Gov. Kate Brown’s coronavirus restrictions were “null and void” after the Democratic lawmaker failed to have her emergency orders approved by the state’s legislature in 28 days. Baker County Circuit Judge Matthew Shirtcliff made the ruling Monday in a lawsuit brought by churches who said the social-distancing directives were unconstitutional.

The suit had also argued that emergency powers only last for a month and after that Brown would have needed legislative approval. The judge agreed. Brown said she would immediately appeal the ruling to the state Supreme Court to try to keep the emergency orders in effect.


The funniest thing about it is that the 
men's version costs a dollar more.


This is Honeymoon Beach on St. John in the USVI. When I lived there, this was a regular weekend hangout for us.


Reminder to MLB owners, players: Most fans are hurting far more than you are. Bring our baseball back and let us go to  the games.

Park Avenue in New York City - 1964

When you see a headline like this ya gotta sit down, pour yourself 
a cuppa coffee and take a deep breath:

A man who wore a watermelon on his head while stealing from a convenience store has been arrested 

A pair of melon heads - yes, guys with watermelons on their heads - caused quite a stir after they used watermelons as face masks to allegedly steal from a convenience store in a small Virginia town. 

The duo pulled up in a lifted 2006 black Toyota Tacoma pickup truck and entered a Sheetz store in Louisa on May 5 while wearing carved out watermelons with holes cut out for their eyes, according to the Louisa Police Department. 

One of the two suspects was arrested on Friday, Police Chief Tom Leary confirmed to CNN. Police are still looking for the second suspect.


Thanks to Chris Shapan - a brilliant artist. Google him.

India and Bangladesh brace for the strongest storm 
ever recorded in the Bay of Bengal

Ya never hear much about weather in the Bay of Bengal, really. 
I know why, though. Nobody really gives a fuck about it.

This is friggin' hilarious.

I think ya gotta have one if not for 
just the first time you go out to a bar! 

You can get one for yourself here:

Hey - ya gotta make some money during this shutdown shit, right?

Believe me when I tell ya this is just the absolute fuckin' 
tiniest tip of the iceberg of bankruptcies that are heading our way. 
These fuckin' stores shoulda NEVER EVER closed.


NYC's black and Latino neighborhoods have seen death rates nearly 15 times higher than wealthy white enclaves, new maps reveal as death toll hits more than 15,900

Can someone out there please explain this to me? I've always thought I was a kinda smart-enough kinda guy, but this?  

This is fuckin' ridiculous stupid.


The back to work reports are coming in:

Ford restarts with coronavirus safety measures 
after $2 billion 1Q 2020 loss

This is seriously important shit. 
We GOTTA get the whole country back to work.


I bought two pairs of these about two months ago. Man are they comfortable - and at 25 bucks a pair their really reasonable, don'tcha think?.

You'll find out more about them by clicking here:


Bear in mind that this spiteful cunt is the 
Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Nancy Pelosi on Monday said 'morbidly obese' Donald Trump, center, should not take hydroxychloroquine to prevent COVID-19.

 The president, 73, said he started taking the controversial medication 'a couple of weeks ago', despite warnings from his own administration about the side effects of the anti-malaria drug. 

House Speaker Pelosi told CNN: 'He's our president and I would rather he not be taking something that has not been approved by the scientists. Pelosi then pointed out Trump's weight and age - in what Twitter users saw as a dig at the president - as doctors around the nation expressed concern at the revelations.

I was reading a copy of People magazine yesterday and I got all the way to page 33 before I recognized a single friggin' person's name. Who exactly the fuck is that rag written for?


C'mon, dude - that's pretty funny. Really.



Woodstock still went ahead during 1968 Hong Kong flu pandemic that killed 100,000 Americans and infected everyone from President Lyndon Johnson to the the Apollo 8 crew - and even Shamu the killer whale

Am I the only one who thinks this guy 
needs a REALLY BIG security detail?


I'll give ya something to smile about. 
Here ya go:


And I'll leave ya with this:



Depending on where you live, these might be 
necessary for the next coupla months. 
 There's gonna be a whole lotta places you won't be able to go to for a long fuckin' time  without wearing a mask. You can get these masks super fast - they're in stock and ready to ship. Best part? They're washable.

If ya don't use 'em all they're still great 
for around the shop or the job site - and they're washable.



Yeah - that's Luiza.




  1. Nice read. Keep up the good work.

    1. Coming from you that is indeed a compliment my ole friend...

  2. A quarter of the people on the earth live along the Bay of Bengal... I'll bet they are paying attention! 136 mph winds with gusts up to 168 mph.

    That tee shirt? I wouldn't do that! I'm superstitious!
    Back in the day we worked (USCG Air Station with helos) from 3 in the afternoon until the work was done. Fridays you'd try & schedule a light day so you could get off at 11pm or earlier. Then someone would come in on a Friday night and announce that they "KNEW" we'd have an early night so they didn't bring a dinner! Sure enough the helicopter gods would hear that and we'd get a main gearbox chip light at 8pm... that shot down the early Friday night!! The bars would be closed before we left.. I'd blame it on the guy who announced he didn't need a dinner that night... like I said, I'm superstitious.
    I think about that when I see that tee shirt message...the (this is not the flu) flu is just half way through it's first cycle! It still has plenty of time to get us when it comes thru again next fall.

    No one remembers the 1968 pandemic, it was just the flu. The MSM will talk up the 1918 pandemic and not mention the one in 1968 because they don't want people who will ask you "what 1968 pandemic?"

  3. I guess that's why I'll never visit the Bay of Bengal Rob........


Short-term memory loss will be the death of us all...

Are we (well, not us/me and you actually, but the collective 'Americans')  so stupid as to believe that someone who's been in of...