Saturday, March 7, 2020

Road trip Saturday.

Off down to Bradenton to see the Yanks play the Phils. 
Gonna be a gorgeous day, too.

Life IS good... 

 Nice little park. Appropriate for the Phillies.  

If looks could kill this would be a dead cop fer sure. 
An undercover cop outside a NYC precinct, ca. 1977.

The games people (usta) play...

Eddie Cantor (if you know who he is you're older then salt like me) is featured  on the box cover and a photo of him is on the board, but the singer/comic's persona has little do with the game. 

Players move their pawns (representing automobiles) around the board by playing cards that represent traffic signals. A twist to the game involves the "To See the Judge" spaces on the board. Land on one and and you must draw a summons card, and then the player designated as the judge (he wears a badge that is included) gives the player a fine. The winner is the player who reaches "The Club" and has the most amount of money left once all players are finished.

It's kinda like life itself, isn't it?

Ever been to Savannah?

Savannah has nice, Spanish moss-draped streets and squares, craft breweries, elegant homes, a quaint cobblestoned riverfront walk, local Southern fusion cuisine, and a dark haunted history. 

The small city tries to ooze “Southern Charm” and homespun hospitality and was deemed “the world’s friendliest city” at one point, but not so much any more. The place is a kinda shit-hole now. It usta be all about local art, culture, and mystery. Now it's crime-ridden, dirty and dangerous. Too bad. Could be very nice...

Wednesday teaching Lurch to dance. 
Ya hadda be there...


Even if it is the Duke's favorite, 
I still wouldn't drink that swill.

Mick Mulvaney didn’t jump from his position as acting White House chief of staff  - he was pushed, after falling out of favor with President Trump. “Mick was basically a pariah in the building,” a source close to the president said.

In a tweet fired off after he landed in Florida for a weekend at Mar-a-Lago, Trump announced Friday night that North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows will be his new chief of staff and that Mulvaney would be the US special envoy for Northern Ireland.

Mulvaney, who had been acting chief of staff for more than a year, will also be stepping down as budget director. He was ousted after “worsening relations as of late, to the point where Trump stopped including him in major meetings,” said the source.

Trump is a 'My way or the highway' kinda guy, ain't he?

Elizabeth Warren blasts Bernie Bros for doing ‘some really ugly stuff’

So much for her VP bid, huh?

A North Carolina woman spent her 100th birthday behind bars, by choice.

Ruth Bryant had always wanted to become a jailbird - and the local sheriff in Roxboro cheerfully obliged in fulfilling her unusual bucket list item for her milestone birthday. “I’m in the jailhouse now! I finally got here!” laughed Bryant as she was processed through jail, dancing as she was issued an orange jumpsuit and mugshot for the ages


Screwin' the lyric pooch, Chapter 1:

“‘Scuse me, while I kiss this guy.”

Who's happier - the cat or her?

Bars near a Florida university are giving women a secret way to alert bartenders if they feel 'unsafe' on a date

College students who find themselves out on a date gone wrong at bars in southeastern Florida may be able to turn to the bartender for help.

Posters hanging in the restrooms of about a dozen bars and restaurants in Boca Raton, Fort Lauderdale and Jupiter give instructions to women about alerting bartenders if they're in danger or uncomfortable.
First, order a drink called the "Owl Shot." Then, depending on what's happening, say one of the three coded phrases displayed on the posters. Based on the code, here's how the bartenders will respond:

'Neat': Bar staff will escort you to your car
'On the rocks': Bar staff will call a ride for you
'With lime': Bar staff will call the police

How could anything POSSIBLY  go wrong 
with this scenario in place?


Do you REALLY believe the stock market insanity in the last two weeks has anything to do with a virus?
It's because the Dems are down to Bernie and Biden.


Los Angeles. Hollywood Bowl
Photo by Otto Rothschild. c. 1936-37. 

What a striking photo, huh?


Do you (like me - thanks Dad) suffer from Gout?  

Do you know someone who does?  

Even your doctor will tell you that taking Black Cherry Concentrate is the absolute best way to keep from having flair ups. 

I've been taking two every day for about ten years now, and 
I have not had a single attack since I started taking it

BCC does only one thing in your body - it breaks downs Uric Acid. Nothing more - no side effects, no nothing. Trust me - this shit works like a friggin' champ.

Here's an article about it if you're interested:

If you'd like even more info on this stuff, click here:

Black Cherry Capsules 1400 mg


Torpedo Tits of the 1950s, Complements of the Bullet Bra 


Is that Debbie Reynolds?

My personal favorite...


Woody Allen’s memoir canceled by Hachette Book Group 
after employee protest 

Even his own son thinks he's a scumbag.


TAMPA — Aaron Judge didn’t know. Neither did the Yankees. That’s a problem.

Yes, the Yankees and Judge need to avoid injuries. Judge has missed 110 games the past two seasons and there will be more now, but the Yankees also need to pick up their diagnostic game.

Here was Judge standing in front of his locker Friday night at Steinbrenner Field, talking about his frustration over this latest injury, a stress fracture of his right first rib that occurred last September during an outfield dive against the Angels, but was not discovered until this week in a CT scan.

“Tests were run,’’ a dejected Judge said. “Most of the pain and problem was coming from the shoulder and neck and surrounding areas. The pain was radiating to other places. You give ’em the symptoms and you tell them what’s wrong and they work off of what you say.’’

I've shown you this before, but it's worth repeating.
This is the single best knife sharpener you will ever own.

Click on this description and get one for yourself - and one for a friend:

Accusharp Knife Sharpeners


A little poll - if you're interested.

When do you do your best thinking?

1 - In the morning
2 - Midday
3 - At night
4 - At night after you've had a few drinks
5 - When you're asleep

Leave your answers as a comment.

(You know what my answer would be)




Clinton 'The Lady Killer'. 
His new Presidential portrait.





  1. I'm going to try the Back Cherry caps for gout on your recommendation, thanks! They should arrive on Monday.

  2. Trust me Rob - they work. Good luck!


A cartoon I don't quite get...

  ...       Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet. It's a one of a kind, handmade gift - and it comes to ...