Sunday, March 8, 2020

Drinks for Bernie? Sure - why not?

It's Sunday night and I've toasted everyone I can think of but one - so here's to Bernie Sanders.

Driving off a cliff... 


Probably photoshopped but that's supposed to have been him when he was on his honeymoon in Moscow.

Enough of this fruitcake. Let's get down to some serious drinkin'.



You won't find anything like this at Home Depot, Lowes or Harbor Freight. 
This is a great set to own.

And you can get it for only $ 37.00.
 That is one helluva good deal.  

See for yourself - click on this for more info: 







Do you suffer from Gout? 
This is worth re-posting for you 

A good number of you responded favorably the first time I toldja about this. 
Do you know someone who does?  

Even your doctor will tell you that taking Black Cherry Concentrate 
is the absolute best way to keep from having flair ups. 

I've been taking two every day for about ten years now, and I have not had a single attack since I started taking it. 

Black Cherry Extract does one - and only one - thing in your body - it breaks downs Uric Acid. Nothing more - no side effects, no nothing.  

Trust me - this shit works like a friggin' champ.

Here's an article about it if you're interested:

If you'd like even more info on this stuff, click here:








Plus you'll get notifications of new posts.

I gotta join a beer pong league.





And, as always, the girls dance us outta the post.


Said it before and I'll say it again.   

This is a brilliant idea - let them bring the shit to ya: 


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The Manson Family versus Animal House? Really?

There is a really funny - and quite indepth - article on this very subject here: