Tuesday, March 31, 2020

How many days in March - 200?

This has been an incredibly 
loooonggg month.
I need a beer. Or two. Or nine... 


I'm tired of all the bad news about 
Corona this and Corona that. 
Fuck 'em. Let's have a Corona. 















Yes. Most definitely.




The Jim Acosta fan club

What a friggin' tool this guy is... 

"What do you say to Americans who are upset with you over the way you downplayed this crisis?" Acosta asked. He referenced earlier quotes from the president, including when Trump said roughly a month ago, "It's going to disappear. One day, it's like a miracle, it will disappear."

Acosta added, "What do you say to Americans who believe that you got this wrong?"

The president fired back.

"Well, it will go away and I do want them to stay calm, and we are doing a great job," Trump responded. "If you look at those individual statements, they're all true. Stay calm, it will go away -- you know that it is going away, and... we're going to have a great victory. And, it's people like you and CNN that say things like that -- it's why people just don't want to listen to CNN anymore. You could ask a normal question."

The president then defended his rhetoric, "The statements I've made are -- I want to keep the country calm. I don't want panic in the country. I can cause panic much better than even you. I would make you look like a minor-league player, but you know what? I don't want to do that. I want to have our country be calm and strong and fight and win, and it will go away." 

"And, instead of asking a nasty, snarky question like that, you should ask a real question," Trump scolded the reporter before moving on to other questions.

I like this guy just for shit like that.


Branch Brook Park in my old hometown - Newark, NJ. 
The blossoms are in full bloom.
The park is closed.

When CNN's Jim Acosta Held His First
 Book Signing No One Showed Up.

                                                                                            Published June 13, 2019 

Acosta is shown signing his books in advance 
of the zero people that showed up.

In case you were wondering if people in New York really are fuckin' idiots - here's your proof.


I'm curious - have any Republican elected 
officials said or done anything like this?

Just asking - for a friend - ya know?

Mayor Muriel Bowser is threatening residents of Washington, DC, with 90 days in jail and a $5,000 fine if they leave their homes during the coronavirus outbreak. The threat of jail is alarming residents and civil libertarians who point out that at least five inmates tested positive for COVID-19 in the city’s 1,700-inmate jail near Capitol Hill.

“Our message remains the same: stay home,” Bowser, a Democrat, said in a statement Monday. The stay-home order has exceptions for grocery shopping and work deemed essential. Outdoor recreation such as running is allowed, but cannot involve people outside of a household.

The order is similar to dictates in neighboring Maryland and Virginia, but shocked residents of Washington, where there are just 401 of the nation’s 160,000 confirmed cases.




A lot of you have the Gout - 
or know someone who does - like I do. 

Quite a few of you have followed my suggestions here and tried this for themselves. Everyone I've heard from is very happy with the results. Know why? 'Cause this shit REALLY does work. No hype, no bullshit.  

This knocks down the crystallization from the Uric acid in your body That is all it does. Nothing else. No side effects, no bullshit. This is as close to  a miracle supplement you'll ever find.  

Google it if you don't know what it is or what it can do for you - but I guarantee ya it'll absolutely work for ya.  

You can get some of it for yourself here - you won't be sorry. Click on the description:

Black Cherry Capsules 1400 mg 240 Count


Man ‘teaching his dog to drive’ 
leads cops on high speed chase 

He’s blaming man’s best friend. A Washington state motorist led police on a chase Sunday — and when he was finally stopped, he said he was teaching his dog how to drive.

Cops found the pup in the driver’s seat when they pulled over the 51-year-old man, who allegedly was speeding at 100 mph from Marysville to Arlington and crashed into several cars along the way.

Man spends $ 150 million for yacht, pissed of when he realizes it looks like his sneakers.

What kinda fuckin' food they feedin' that thing? Jeez.


Yeah, that's kinda weird.


Florida man, just released from prison. kills girlfriend, her lover after finding them having sex. 

This is a great all-purpose tool bag.
 I use mine for my electrical stuff.
 It's always in the job box on my truck.

For under 13 bucks each? Shit, son - 
getcherself two or three of 'em here:


This is what I made for dinner last night.

 It's Italian hotdogs -  
not 'Italian style',  just Italian dogs... 

Deepfried dogs with fried potatoes, peppers and onions on Pizza bread. Ketchup on one side, mustard the other. 

A heart attack on every plate but brutha lemme tell ya - those motherfuckers are delicious. Juss' sayin'

'It's Morbidly Quiet.' Popular Florida Senior Living Community Finally Embraces Social Distancing


(THE VILLAGES, Fla.) — Up until a few days ago, residents of The Villages retirement community went about their busy lives filled with spirited happy hours and incessant socializing at what some dub “Disney World for adults.”

There were the hundreds of clubs to attend — French lessons, Carolina shag dancing, light-saber fencing — pickleball tournaments to play and Pilates classes to take at this Republican stronghold built on former cow pastures in central Florida.

Even as many Americans isolated themselves against the coronavirus threat, residents of one of the largest concentrations of seniors in the U.S. at first blew off concerns, despite data showing the elderly are particularly susceptible to serious symptoms from COVID-19. But their attitude shifted this week as President Donald Trump, who earlier had downplayed the coronavirus threat, gave warnings to avoid crowds of more than 10 people, some residents of The Villages say.

“This place is Republicanville and too many people believe what the president is saying, and they were out in the streets and out in the squares,” said Alan Stone, as he sat in one of The Villages’ ever-present golf carts outside a supermarket, waiting for his wife. “They don’t realize that they’re playing with death.”

I bet this guy Stone is justa barrela fuckin' laughs to hang with...


I'd betcha there's a goodlie amount of people out there don't even know they usta have ads in magazines for smokes - know what I mean?

It's easy - because all cats are fuckin' idiots. That's why.


When ya see your wife or girlfriend thinking this hard about something and not talking, run for the fuckin' hills, brutha.  

There's a genuine shit storm a'comin'

Because people, like cats, are just fuckin' idiots.

Florida pastor arrested after holding services, defying order on large gatherings 


Steve McQueen shown here in his 1957 Jaguar XK-SS, known as the Green Rat. Wuddya think that'd be worth today?

So I see this headline online:

and I thinks to mysef' - 'Don't these muthafuckuz ever read there own shit to realize how stupid that is?  Rattlesnakes can't walk no fuckin' dog. Jeez...


Yeah - we never did that at our High Schools dances, did we? Nah...



It's like an open-air babe market. Damn.

I got nuthin'. I'll fold.

Do you or someone you know need gloves 
during this coronavirus thing? 

Especially the Tattoo guys - they might be gettin' squeezed by demand.This is the best offer I could find for you on gloves that are actually worth buying - there's an awful lotta cheap-ass garbage out there. 

This is surgical grade hospital quality stuff 
at a really good price:


The girls from Riverdale don't mind strutting their 'stuff...

Had to edit out the details so I can keep the blog...