Thursday, February 20, 2020

Things that go bump at noon.

I really don't care what time it is if it's time for some Rule 5 goodness... 






This is nice - I like the wood handle.

Take a look for yourself:









Tax time'll be here before ya know it. Might as well be prepared, right? 

Click on the pic and see if this isn't something you can use:


One of these days I gotta find out who she is. Not for stalking purposes, mind you...







  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. why's your site take so long to load?

  3. A lot if GIF files - they take some time to load if you're speed isn't up to snuff...


Seeking relevance in a world where nothing is relative, or something like that...

So, about every couple of years, this fat fuck  ratbag emerges from the shadows...       This fat piece of shit was on CNN yesterday talking...