Saturday, February 29, 2020

Saturday Night Rule 5 Spectacular

It's class time at Hooterville U.

Get on board and let's see what we can learn here tonight!



She's a very close second in the perfection contest.


Just had to get a new one for myself - this is the one I bought.

Take a look and see if it ain't something you need to replace.

Right click on the pic and open in a new tab:











A leather over-nighter for under 
40 bucks? 
THIS is a helluva deal.

See for yourself:






I've posted her pic before - I think it was this one actually - and a reader emailed me and told me she's a porn star. 

He didn't tell me her name or I'd certainly go find more GIF's of her (NOT x-rated - I wanna keep this blog going).

I don't care if she is or she isn't, 
but damn Bubba -  this girl is cute.

Reason to celebrate finally?

Don't need one 'cause I was gonna be drinkin' tonight anyways - 

but if you wanna celebrate something, be my guest... 



I think I had one of these once...


Know anybody getting hitched soon?  

This is a grand idea - the hell with their 'wedding registry' - 
let 'em get their own shit.

Get a Gift Certificate here:


Precautions are necessary these days.



Boy - if this sentiment doesn't fit right up 
my wheelhouse nothing does...

Check THIS out:



I would never leave that bar, wherever it is.




This will be the last time I show you these for quite a while. I know you've seen them before - it's is by far the most popular item I've posted here.

This is the best deal I've found on these - a 4-pack for less then 10 bucks apiece!

Ya gotta take a look and then buy them. 
I promise you'll love it and you'll have some to give to friends!

Right click the pic and open in a new tab for info:


That's marryin' material, bubba.

There she is  - I knew I had her in there somewhere.



Ahh - the girls. Wonder where they are...

New dawn, new day, right?

Let's not get too cheery, we still have 
elections coming eventually...  

Trump, hosting a rally in South Carolina on Friday night, asked his crowd to help him pick the recipient of GOP votes in the “open” primary. “I assume this is okay from a campaign finance standpoint,” Trump joked before carrying out his “poll” on the eve of the primary election.

He asked audience members to cheer for the Democrat they’d prefer be his easiest-to-beat opponent — Sanders or former Vice President Joe Biden. “I think maybe Crazy Bernie has it,” Trump said. Asking one more time for his supporters to cheer for either former vice president Biden or Sanders, Trump confirmed: “They think Bernie’s easier to beat.” Sanders, a self-declared socialist, emerged as the front-runner after popular-vote wins in Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada.
Crazy Bernie's potential nomination terrifies many Democrats, who fear a Trump landslide.

A repost from another blog - how appropriate, though, huh?


There is an alternative to 'Florida Man', ya know...
Florida Woman Charged With Murder After Zipping Boyfriend in Suitcase During 'Game of Hide and Seek'

She claims she fell asleep, but police say they found videos on her phone 
of her taunting him for cheating while he suffocated.

A Florida woman has been charged with the murder of her boyfriend after leaving him trapped in a suitcase. Sarah Boone, 42, told police she and Jorge Torres Jr. were playing a drunken game of hide-and-seek, and that she fell asleep after zipping him in.

But police later found videos on her phone of her taunting him and accusing him of cheating while he struggled to get out, telling her he couldn't breathe, according to court records. Boone was arrested on Monday, and charged with the second-degree murder of the 42-year-old.

According to her arrest affidavit, Boone told deputies they had been drinking during the night, and agreed it would be funny if Torres climbed inside the suitcase. 

Now THAT is a first, lady...

A “New York” magazine cover showing Melania Trump smooching a Big Apple firefighter in the wake of 9/11 has been unearthed nearly two decades later.

At the time of the photo shoot in 2002 — meant to be reminiscent of the iconic V-J Day smooch between a sailor and a nurse in 1945 — Trump was a little-known model named Melania Knauss who had been hired to pose on the cover of the publication’s Valentine’s Day “Singles” issue, according to New York.

The First Lady, who at the time was dating Donald Trump, then known as a Big Apple property developer — was selected to star on the cover paying homage to New York’s first responders, who had become “rock stars” in the wake of the devastating 9/11 attacks months earlier.


There will, eventually, be hell to pay when some of these Astros face pissed-off pitchers. You know that, right? (More to follow below)

‘We’re dead’: The ominous ALCS meeting that 
foretold the Astros cheating doom

Joe Torre reportedly warned the Astros and Red Sox what was going to happen if they were in fact cheating. By then, it was already too late.

Torre met with the Astros and Red Sox before they faced off in the 2018 ALCS and warned them that any secret cheating — like illegal sign stealing — they may have been doing would not remain a secret forever, according to ESPN’s Karl Ravech. The meeting included the general managers and managers from both teams — Jeff Luhnow, Dave Dombrowski, AJ Hinch and Alex Cora — and was led by Torre, MLB’s chief baseball officer at the time.

“Torre basically said to the teams, both of them and those people and anyone else that was in the room, look, if you’re inclined or have gotten away with or are doing anything that would violate the rules that you are all aware of or should be aware of, you’re gonna have to understand at some point, there’s going to be a player, or players or a front office person that’s going to leave your team, go to another team and basically rat you guys out. Basically tell the dirty secrets,” Ravech said on ESPN’s “Baseball Tonight” podcast.

“Whether Joe Torre was aware at that point of what was coming from Mike Fiers, and there’s no evidence to believe that, but I was told that message and that meeting scared the heck out of those guys in that room to the point that they acknowledged ‘we’re in trouble, we’re dead, so we cannot continue to particular behavior.’ In the case of the person or persons that told me that, the behavior changed.”


Your's truly (on the right) with some guy who 'Walks like a man, talks like a man'.
Wanna feel old? Knowing this makes me feel ancient.

Chelsea Clinton (who has 3 kids by he way) turns 40 today.


Today, Leap Day, woulda been Dennis Farina's 76th Birthday.

He was one of my favorite actors. Maybe would it have been his 19th? It only happens every four years so it's kinda confusing. Farina, on left, seen here with Michael Imperatore.

Farina's greatest role by far, as 
Ray Barboni in the movie 'Get Shorty'.



Skillful little bastard, ain't it?

Let me get this straight - might take a minute.

If ya kinda suck as a Quarterback and REALLY suck as a TV commentator, you get paid how much? Jeezzzzzzzz - shit like this makes my brain hurt sometimes.


It's that time of year don't forget.
Maybe ya need a little help.


These mysterious 'devices' keep washing up on Florida’s beaches. 

PALM BEACH, Fla. – Makeshift contraptions for catching sea life off West Africa are landing on Florida beaches like hobo fishermen, drowning turtles and bashing coral heads in a current-driven journey across the tropical Atlantic. 
Called “drifting fish aggregating devices,” or FADs, the sometimes raft-like structures can get sucked into the North Equatorial Current and travel as far as the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico and Florida. One was found on Palm Beach this month.

Often made from refuse – oil jugs or bamboo sticks lashed together – curtains of netting dangle beneath them with a reach that can be more than 300 feet deep. They attract fish that gather for shelter or to feed on whatever grows in the artificially created ecosystem. The bump of Palm Beach County’s coastline makes it a hot spot for FADs if they get caught in the Gulf Stream, said Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission biologist Thomas Pitchford.


The people are freeloading scumbags. 
All of 'em. Fuck their 'plight'.

These money-grubbing freeloading sumbags who the media calls 'Migrants' are mostly from Cuba. Now they're in Mexico, trying to get in to the US illegally. Notice there ONLY A COUPLA GUYS  in the picture, and a lot of them are bringing kids with them Just what the fuck will these 'migrants' contribute to our sociey?

The US has now finally blocked the Paso del Norte border crossing bridge after a U.S. appeals court blocked the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) program, which sent 'asylum seekers' back to Mexico to await the outcome of their case, in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico February 28, 2020.

Lemme make one thing as clear as I can about people who hate the country they live in or come from. These people's parents probably also hated that country, yet they chose to bring a child in to the world in a place they hated. These people should be pissed off at their parents, not the United States for not welcoming them and giving them all kindsa free shit.


Even then I knew...

Know somebody about to get hitched? 
This is brilliant - click on the banner:


They taught him well.



That's the inside of a Geranium. Cool, huh?

That's how they usta grocery shop in the old days. Nowadays you can do it online in your underwear, drinking a beer and smoking a doob. 

All ya gotta do is click on this banner and yer off to the races:


I toldja, didden I?

Houston Astros' Jose Altuve runs to first base after getting hit with a pitch during the fifth inning of a spring training baseball game against the Detroit Tigers, Monday, Feb. 24, 2020, in Lakeland, Fla.

I had one of these once, and she was beautiful. 
Know what I mean here?


The girls from Riverdale don't mind strutting their 'stuff...

Had to edit out the details so I can keep the blog...