Wednesday, January 8, 2020

This is surreal what's happening

Too many people have too many opinions about too many things these days. It's friggin' ridiculous.



I'd post something about Rambo the talking parrot in Florida but I'll let it pass. Every other blogger on the planet will probably cover it somehow anyways.

There's a boatload of jerkoffs out there too - like guys that like to start fires. Can you believe that shit?


Can you imagine an United States with Bernie Sanders as President?

This from the website 

Vox writers are making the best case for the leading Democratic candidates — defined as those polling above 10 percent in national averages. This article is the first in the weekly series. Vox does not endorse individual candidates.

The case for Bernie Sanders is that he is the unity candidate.

The Vermont senator is unique in combining an authentic, values-driven political philosophy with a surprisingly pragmatic, veteran-legislator approach to getting things done. This pairing makes him the enthusiastic favorite of non-Republicans who don’t necessarily love the Democratic Party, without genuinely threatening what’s important to partisan Democrats. If he can pull the party together, it would set him up to be the strongest of the frontrunners to challenge President Donald Trump.

Sanders breaks from the pack in constructive ways on foreign and monetary policy, where the president has an unusual amount of freedom to act. And in the legislative arena, where any president is going to be sharply constrained, he stands the best chance of getting the left on board with the sure-to-be-disappointing compromises that will be necessary to advance the ball at all on Most of the fears about Sanders expressed by Democratic insiders — fears that have trickled into much of the mainstream media coverage of his campaign — are better understood as disputes with his followers than as real problems with the man himself.

His extremely online loyalists (themselves only a minority of his supporters, as with any candidate) tend to be both highly ideological and highly antagonistic. Some, including younger supporters, seem to lack a broader perspective on events. They are unrealistically optimistic about what a Sanders administration could achieve, unreasonably down on Sanders’s rivals, and simply lack appreciation of how small the differences within the Democratic field are, especially compared with the gaping void between essentially all Democrats and all Republicans under modern polarized conditions.

That said, a primary is about picking a nominee, not about picking whose cheering chorus you find most congenial on Twitter. Sanders has good ideas on the topics in which the choice between Democrats matters most, he has a plausible electability case, he’s been a pragmatic and reasonably effective legislator, and his nomination is, by far, the best way to put toxic infighting to rest and bring the rising cohort of left-wing young people into the tent — for both the 2020 campaign and the long-term future.

Who thinks a woman could do a better job as President?

Wrong answer, Joe. Jeez... 




Ever wonder about Dolly Parton's boobs? I know I have. Well, here's the answer, believe it or not told by herself:


I never went to Studio 54, even though I was in and around Manhattan in those days. I can not imagine how much fun that place musta been.



Everybody and their mother is on WiFi now. 

I know a buncha people that don't even have cable anymore - they stream friggin' everything! If you're gonna do something like that, yo really should have one of these. It's cheap and it really works well:










Ya think this guy ain't gonna burn?

The judge in Harvey Weinstein's trial threatened to jail the movie producer Tuesday for his repeated use of his cell phone during court.

At the beginning of court proceedings in New York, Judge James Burke raised his voice and reprimanded Weinstein and his defense team, specifically Arthur Aidala, for Weinstein's use of his cell phones.
"He was calling and texting a minute ago," Burke said to the defense team.
Weinstein said, "I'm sorry" and hung his head at one point. Donna Rotunno, another defense attorney, said she was not aware.
"He was aware," the judge replied.
Burke said this was an "ongoing issue" and referenced warnings at previous hearings. He said he warned Aidala explicitly in "somewhat unrefined terms" about Weinstein's cell phone. Finally, he said that if Weinstein uses his cell phone in court one more time he will be taken into custody.

Didja ever wonder what happens to the stuff people send back to Amazon? Take a look - you be amazed how cheap they resell some of this stuff:









  1. Love the babes and cartoons. Remember you have two choices this year - Trump or socialism - that's it.

  2. Dolly has said, "It cost a lot of money to look this cheap!"

  3. those space kids are popping up on youtube with this album
