Thursday, January 16, 2020

This is just ridiculous


The Los Angeles City Council is gonna ask MLB to declare Dodgers 2017, 2018 champs following Astros, Red Sox cheating probes... 

The Los Angeles Dodgers lost consecutive World Series titles to teams now linked to cheating scandals – so L.A. city officials may be going to bat for the hometown team.

City council members are reportedly drafting a resolution asking Major League Baseball to declare the Dodgers baseball’s top team of 2017 and 2018, and revoke the titles from the two teams that defeated the Dodgers – the Houston Astros in 2017 and the Boston Red Sox in 2018.

Is everyone in the world just a buncha frikkin' crybabies now? Jeez.

Cheerleaders at the LSU v Clemson game proved onething. MY eyesight is still VERY good.

A genuinely wonderful piece of music. 

YES - And you and I



Sylvester Stallone Kept His Two Turtles From The Original ‘Rocky’ Film, And They’re Now 44... 

Sylvester Stallone starred as an underdog boxer in the 70s cult classic film, Rocky, where he developed a sweet relationship with a shy pet owner Andrian Pennino. Their romance was, of course, sparked by Rocky visiting the J&M Tropical Fish Pet store to buy food supplies for his two turtle pets. At one point, Rocky forgot he had actually bought the two animals from Andrian, leading to a humorous awkward moment. It seems bonding over a shared love for pets could be a solid way to initiate a relationship.

And Rocky film fans are delighted to learn Sylvester Stallone actually kept the original Cuff and Link, and they’re still thriving. They even made their movie comeback in Creed II, released in 2018. 
Now 44 years old, these iconic duos are still taking things slow, and possibly they have no clue just how famous and beloved they are, together with their human papa.

Sharing an adorable pic of the lettuce munching megastars in their tank, Stallone wrote on the Instagram post: “In CREED 2 with my original buddies from the first Rocky … CUFF and LINK, now about 44 years old!” The two old pros look pretty healthy and happy, with one of them (I’m not sure which!) staring into the camera like a true movie star.

And just like Sylvester Stallone, the two turtle pets have aged gracefully. Every Rocky fan was thrilled to learn these legendary scene stealers are still thriving, and just as chilled out as ever.

In the 'Why didn't they do this shit long ago' department:

This is an awesome program for the homeless— Arkansas City is paying $9.25, better than minimum wage rate, for the homeless to pick up trash from the streets. Talk about hitting two birds with one stone! Little Rock in Arkansas recently attracted lots of positive attention online after it started a unique program that helps the homeless while dealing with the trash problem in the city at the same time.

Forcing the homeless to take money AND cleaning up the streets? How dare you.

This little cunt's gotta fade away. And quickly.

Think just for a moment just how much computing power you can hold in just one hand - and how incredibly inexpensive it is! Take a look at this fer instance:



Most significant winter storm since early December looms for Northeast? 

When did they start giving names to winter storms?

I will never ever miss New jersey weather.


The Rock and Roll Hall of Shame has officially announced this year’s inductees: 

The Doobie Brothers (Absofuckinlutely)
but also:
Nine Inch Nails (WTF did they do) 
The Notorious B.I.G. (A rapper fer fuksake)
Whitney Houston (A true rock & roller. not.)
 Depeche Mode (Really? REALLY??!!)
T. Rex (Seriously? A one-hit wonder)

will all join the class of 2020.

Any body else think this place is a fuckin' joke?


Anything (and I do mean ANYTHING) worth doing is worth doing well.

Richard Paisley Jackson



This is Halle Berry at the 1986 Miss USA pageant, representing the state of Ohio 34 years ago - think about it...

This is her last year: 

Damn straight Skippy. 

Ain't many things they hate worse.


Warren accused Sanders in tense post-debate exchange of calling her a 'liar' on national TV 


I'd find her after the game and knee-cap the little bitch.

What I got for Christmas this year - it's pretty slick:


Torque and traction. Very cool.

This is funny:

NPR’s sanitizing of Trump’s Milwaukee rally shows how he’s broken the media. 

(From By almost any standard, President Donald Trump’s rally on Tuesday evening in Milwaukee was a bizarre affair. The president went on a lengthy tirade about lightbulbs, toilets, and showers; touted war crimes; joked about a former president being in hell; and said he’d like to see one of his domestic political foes locked up.

I tried to capture some of the speech’s disconcerting oddness in my write-up of the event. In many ways, the remarks the president made were typical of him. And that provides the media with a challenge: Describing Trump as he really is can make it seem as if a report is “anti-Trump” and that the reporter is trying to make the president look foolish.

But for media outlets that view themselves as above taking sides, attempts to provide a sober, “balanced” look at presidential speeches often end up normalizing things that are decidedly not normal.

A brief report about Trump’s Milwaukee speech that aired Wednesday morning on NPR illustrates this phenomenon. The anchor’s intro framed Trump’s at times disjointed ramblings as a normal political speech that “ranged widely,” and the ensuing report (which originated from member station WUWM Milwaukee Public Radio) characterized his delivery as one in which he “snapped back at Democrats for bringing impeachment proceedings.”

“Trump was taking on Democrats on their own territory,” the reporter said, when in reality Trump heaped abuse on them, for instance, suggesting former Vice President Joe Biden is experiencing memory loss.



Little Joey's got his eyes on the prize...

Yup. That's me.





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  1. Not pickin on ya, but in the Rocky article there's a typo. Rocky's love interest as I recall is Adriana, not Andriana.


  2. It was in the Script as Adrianna, but he actually called her Adriane. Touche...

  3. I think it is awesome that Sly kept those two turtles after the filming of the movie. So many others would have just tossed them aside. That act alone shows me more about his true character than any other.

  4. Seen that clip of the two soccer players before, but this was the first time I noticed what the gal in the white jersey was doing with her left hand. She may have gotten what she deserved.
