Friday, August 16, 2019

Political opinions? Assholes? Everybody has 'em.

The reason(s) why 
I don't do politics here...

Probably the number one reason I try to avoid political discussion here or anywhere else is because almost all of it is based on opinion. It's not that I don't have one (or many) on any given subject - I certainly do. The reality is that everyone feels that they have to vigorously defend their opinions, and I don't want to do that. I don't want to feel that I HAVE To do that.

My opinions are just that Mine. You can accept or reject them as you will, but I won't allow you to force me to defend them. I have very strong opinions about politics, religion, sex, music, food, the weather - pick a subject, I have an opinion most likely, even if my opinion is that I don't have on.

Politicians have to be arrogant. They have to have an 'I know everything' attitude. They aspire to the positions of power because their egos won't let them do anything else. Do you know of many humble servant politicians? Certainly not many but they're out there. Even Christ spoke of humility as an asset, and yet it's so lacking in our so-called leaders.

If humility is so important, why are so many leaders today, especially our most famous leaders, so arrogant? Or, to flip the question around: In the face of so much evidence that humble leaders do, in fact, outperform arrogant leaders, why is it so hard for leaders at every level to check their egos at the office door?

That's certainly his opinion, right? But who is he and why does or would his opinion matter? Why does Bloomberg put him on the air? Why do they think what he thinks is important to you and I?

I don't have a fucking clue, and I couldn't care less. It's simple. If his opinion (and that's ALL it is) and mine align, he's a genius. If we disagree, he's a jerkoff. I don't care about him, about Bloomberg, or anyone /anything when it comes to this bullshit. They're all just Talking Heads to me.

Truth is, I don't watch the news.

Because I just don't care. And you shouldn't either.


And I go out for coffee and see THIS:

Trump 'supporters' standing in the rain blowing whistles at passing cars. Morons.

This is what I care about.

Why is GFR NOT in the R&R Hall of Shame?

Speaking of arrogance, it's inconceivable to me that fucking ABBA can be in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame -

ABBA for god's sake. These four dickwads are IN and GFR isn't? WTF is up with that? 
Even this jughead is in:

Bill fucking Withers.In the R&RHoF. Bill WITHERS. YOU getting this? And GFR aren't. These friggin' guys ROCKED when they were in their prime...

Okay - see what I mean about opinions?


What kind of pizza do you like?

You like Hawaiian pizza?

How about thick or thin crust?

Please - gimme a friggin' break. 

There's only two kindza pies.

Regular pie and Sicilian. That's it.

But then again, that's just my opinion.


I drive an '05 F-150 Triton.

Similar to this but mine's blue 
and has a ladder rack on it.

It's a good truck. Runs like a champ. Got 166,000 miles on it and I plan on driving that bitch into the ground. I like Ford trucks. Other guys like GMC's or Chevies. Good for them. I like what I like. 

And that's my opinion on that. 


Get my point yet?



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  1. Walter Cronkite was as much a propagandist as the current crop of 'journalists.' Just he was more urbane about being a bed-wetting communist dipstick.

    Proof? His announcement that the Tet Offensive was a defeat of the USA, when we and South Vietnam forces smashed both Viet Cong and North Vietnam forces so badly the leadership was about to beg for a surrender. Then Uncle Walter opened his piehole on national TV and there we go. Tet was the first time we were able to act like a real military like in WWII times, and we thrashed our opponent. Not even LBJ could screw up our response to Tet.

  2. we survived walter. he didn't survive apollo thirteen. oh well.
    I have a 03' dodge diesel with a few miles on the original everything. I do maintenance on it a lot, and it looks good as yet. don't particularly care to much about it or have a strong opinion about trucks in particular, but it is paid for. in the words of jack nicholson, "the less you give a shit the happier you'll be".


And what are they drinking in your state?

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