Thursday, July 11, 2019

Life in Florida is different

Ya learn quickly after ya move it that its, well, a bit different in Florida...

There are a few things I've noticed that are 
a little different then living at the Jersey Shore. 
For instance - VERY big snakes:

Yup. We got 'em. Check out this video:


AND........ this is the 'Sink Hole' capital of the planet!
Check this shit out:


Maybe one of these days I'll do a series on what's cool - and what's crazy - about living here. 

One thing I do know - the bread here sucks. I think it's baked specifically for people with no teeth. TRY and find an example of a good, hard-crust Italian bread like I grew up with in Newark, NJ. 

Some say it's the water. I might agree - the water mains in NJ were 120 or more years old. Can you imagine the amount of mineral deposits in those pipes?

This is Calandra's Bakery in  Newark. The BEST bread you could ever want.

They were old school when I was growing up. They're a bit more modern now. Even have a website:


Not to change the subject, but...

I think the English have lost their collective minds.


This is an aerial view of BURNING MAN.
If you don't know what it is, Goggle it.


This is Santorini. If you don't know where this is, google it. Wanna stay here? Forget it if you ain't a Rockefeller.


This is the work of R. Crumb.
If you don't know who he is, google him. 


In case you were never in, this tells you all you need to know.



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