Sunday, February 28, 2021

Some Sunday funnies just because...

 Because I haven't done them 
for you in a while. Sorry 'bout dat... 












Great tool bags. 
I have a couple of them.

Get a couple for yourself for less than $ 20 bucks each:













 Take a look at this one, too.

Click on the picture or the link below:




If you had to make a choice between your motorcycle or your girlfriend, what would you do?

 Really, the easiest way to deal with this dilemma 
is to date a girl who has a bike... 







A close second with that pose.




While you're admiring those sets,
 take a look at this one, too.

Click on the picture or the link below:












Great tool bags. 
I have a couple of them.

Get a couple for yourself for less than $ 20 bucks each:








Ridden hard and put up wet. I'm good with that...

Dikes on bikes? C'mon, man...


Every driver you'll ever need 
at a price that just can't be beat?  

You'll find it here:






And the best for last...

I'm a sucker for that pose.

Need a gift for a loved one? 
Jewelry is a great idea.

Click on the picture for information on this item.

Click on this link to see all she has to offer:

Looks a little like Ivanka Trump, doesn't she?
But we know it isn't her...



