Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Name this Dame - but it's gonna end soon...

I'm going to end this feature in two weeks...


  1. Audrey Totter. End this feature?! Some suggestions for future posts . . . :
    - Jocelyn Lane
    - June Wilkinson
    - Claudine Longet
    - Ann Todd
    - Edie Adams
    - Linda Thorson
    - Kathie Browne
    - Jeanne Moreau
    - Dorothy Provine
    - Jean Shrimpton
    - Geneviève Page
    - Inger Stevens
    - Shirley Anne Field
    - Wanda Hendrix
    - Merry Anders
    - Joanne Dru
    - Sylvia Sims
    - Abbe Lane
    - Jane Merrow
    - Janice Rule

    But if you do end it, Giusepp', thank you for running it because you added a nice spot of enjoyment to my evenings.

  2. Audrey Totter

  3. I like the feature. It just isn't my generation. You do you, but most of the time I am clueless. No need to cheat and post a comment. Put Meghan Fox or Angelina tits and lips up there and I would be in the fight.

  4. I've enjoyed the feature, even though I rarely ever play. I do recognize ~60% of the faces; just no names. Not surprising though since I recognize my wife's face but can't place the name half the time.


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