Sunday, October 31, 2021

We didn't get a single trick-or-treater.

 At least none that we know of. 
No one touched the treats we put out... 

One more for effect...

The best of Playboy Cartoons - Volume One

 It's a treasure trove of great cartoons. Enjoy...  









It may be only Halloween night, but it's never too 
early to start thinking about Christmas gifts. 

Green Unakite Stone Hand Beaded Bracelet With 
Green Crystals And Copper Seed Bead Accents
Click on the picture for information on this item. 
The jewelry my wife makes would be a perfect gift.
Click on this link to see all she has to offer:








These are for a special occasion. Or for no reason 
at all. Your 'special friend' will appreciate the effort...

Art Deco Inspired Hand Beaded Cobalt Blue
 and Gold Dangle Earrings
Click on the picture for information on this item. 
Click on this link to see all she has to offer:






The people at Rolling Stone magazine are out of their minds...

 My brain would have exploded if I had to sit in on this little confab of music geniuses...  

And these are their 'Top 10 songs of all time'. 
Who are these people?

The second greatest song of all time - seriously?
And this is the greatest song of all time according to these geniuses. Really?

Your Sunday Funnies - courtesy of Calvin & Hobbes...









It may be only Halloween, but it's never too 
early to start thinking about Christmas gifts, 
and with all the supply side problems, 
maybe now is the best time. 

Green Unakite* Stone Hand Beaded Bracelet With 
Green Crystals And Copper Seed Bead Accents
Click on the picture for information on this item. 
The jewelry my wife makes would be a perfect gift.
Click on this link to see all she has to offer:

Unakite is a form of granite that is made up of pink feldspar, green epidote, and clear quartz. It is usually found as a mottled pink and green stone, and can vary in shade from stone to stone. It is important to note that each piece of true unakite must have the pink granite inclusion, otherwise it is considered simply epidosite. Unakite is considered a semiprecious stone, especially when there is a large amount of quartz, and is frequently polished and cut into cabochons, beads, spheres, and even animal carvings.
Unakite is named after the Unaka mountain range in Tennessee where it was discovered in 1874 by a Mr. B. Bradley. It is now mined all over the world- including South Africa, Brazil, and China, though is still prevalently found in America. You can find unakite as stones and pebbles along the shores of Lake Superior in Minnesota.
Metaphysically, this stone brings you healthy relationships. It is a healing crystal: the green gives you a nurturing energy, while the pink gives compassion and love. Even the name Epidote is derived from the Greek word epidosis, meaning “growing together.” Its solid bond helps you to form the same bonds, and build your life with patience and sensitivity. It is a stone of the Heart Chakra, and helps us to regulate our emotions and remain balanced in both our personal and professional lives.

Another guy who should just shut up and sing.

That is, if you really wanna hear him. I don't... 

Some people need to just chill out and shut up...

 Like the dooshbag on the top right who goes 
to a Braves game to bitch about the friggin' 
Braves salute custom...

DJT  was seen on Saturday night at Game 4 of the World Series in Atlanta, and he performed the Tomahawk Chop together with Melania as the game began. A number of fans at the game caught the moment and posted videos to Twitter. Indigenous peoples advocacy groups say the Braves' name and 'tomahawk chop' chant are both racist. Among the reasons the chop is offensive is because it promotes a racist stereotype or caricature of Native Americans. In 2020, Braves executives spoke with various leaders from the Eastern Band of Cherokees, based in North Carolina , who remained in favor the name and chant.

What a wonderful world we live in these days...

 I am being just slightly facetious
 when I say that, juss' so ya' know...


If one of those Google ads pops up in a weird place,
just hit the reload button and it'll move or disappear. 


I am SO disappointed...

Just another of many shattered illusions in my life...

Not that I'm on one side of this fence or the other, 
but it begs the question: How can you be a 
devout catholic and also be pro-abortion? 
I've never understood that conflict.

There but for the Grace of God go I...

The rank & file of FDNY to deBlazio: 
'Fuck you and your fuckin' mandates'...
A total of 26 New York firehouses have been forced to close after firefighters refused to get vaccinated ahead of Mayor Bill de Blasio's Monday deadline as departments saw major staff shortages.  The Uniformed Firefighters Association revealed a list of FDNY stations that 'have close due to no manpower' and it includes six in Manhattan, nine in Brooklyn, three in Queens, four in the Bronx and four in Staten Island. On Friday FDNY Commissioner Daniel Nigro warned that the effects of the closures could be catastrophic and 'endanger the lives' of city residents.


These are for a special occasion. 
Or for no real reason at all...

Art Deco Inspired Hand Beaded Cobalt Blue
 and Gold Dangle Earrings
Click on the picture for information on this item. 
Click on this link to see all she has to offer:


Yeah - I read it as 'licking kids' too at first...


If I had to choose between Halloween costumes...


A French woman walks with a baguette and six bottles of wine in Paris in 1945

I had a girlfriend that stupid once...


Mel Brooks is a sublime genius...



It's a proven scientific fact.
The woman hasn't been born yet who
 doesn't like gifts of nice jewelry.
As it happens, I know someone who makes that kinda stuff.
I call her 'Honey'. Sometimes...

Purple Eggplant Hand Beaded Bracelet With Silver Seed 
Bead Edging And Silver Heart Button Clasp
Click on the picture for information on this item my wife made.

Back when pleasing the eye was as important as the function.


And, if you don't mind my asking, WTF does Jay-Z 
have to do with Rock & Roll? This guy is in the Hall of Shame 
and Grand Funk Railroad isn't? 
GTFOH you lame-ass muthafuckers. Juss' sayin'...

I know about 20 guys here that this could apply to...

I've often wondered - to myself, never out loud - 
if there actually WAS an 'all purpose liquor'. 
Seems as though there was at some point...

I'm tellin' ya dude, the cat could drink...

I does only calls 'em as I sees 'em...

The All-Star Game is one thing, but fuck with the World Series 
because of some lame-ass bullshit you made up about voting laws? 
FUCK THAT - there's entirely too much money to be made 
on the Series, right? Ya fuckin' despicable, duplicitous scumbags.

It may be only Halloween, but it's never too 
early to start thinking about Christmas gifts, 
and with all the supply side problems, 
maybe now is the best time. 

Green Unakite Stone Hand Beaded Bracelet With 
Green Crystals And Copper Seed Bead Accents
Click on the picture for information on this item. 
The jewelry my wife makes would be a perfect gift.
Click on this link to see all she has to offer:



Here's one for ya, Auntie...