Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Want some more Candy little boy?


Your daily Doug...


Valentines day is in two weeks.
Is the woman you love a cat lover?

Here's your chance to show her you know all about it.
Click on the picture above for information on these earrings. 
They're only $18.00 with free shipping.  You can find something nice for 
your Mom, your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 

Florida Man never disappoints...

Police say a Florida man was arrested last Friday after having sex with a tree and assaulting an officer. WKMG reports 41-year-old Kenneth Crowder faces charges of battery on a law enforcement officer, resisting with violence and assault with a deadly weapon on a law enforcement officer. 
The Melbourne Police Department says Crowder was spotted by police running through a neighborhood naked and exclaiming he was god. The man was then observed attempting to have sex with a tree. A responding officer confronted Crowder and attempted to use a Taser on him. WKMG reports Crowder pulled the Taser probes out of his body and attacked the officer. The officer reports Crowder stole the officer's badge and tried to stab the officer with it, other officers then responded and subdued Crowder.
 Authorities report Crowder was on Flakka, a variation of synthetic substances similar to bath salts.
Flakka, which can be injected, snorted, smoked, swallowed or taken with other substances like marijuana, is usually made from the chemical alpha-PVP.
That's the synthetic version of the stimulant cathinone, the same type of chemical that is used to make bath salts.

Your daily dose of vintage Playboy...

What part of 'Buyer Beware' didn't they understand?

Elon Musk’s recent decision to enact major price cuts for Tesla vehicles has reportedly angered customers who paid significantly more for the same models before the discounts took effect.
Tesla slashed prices for some of its car models by up to 20% in mid-January as it looks to stave off increased competition in the electric vehicle sector and boost sagging demand. The discounts also increased the number of buyers who are eligible for a $7,500 federal tax credit. 
The sharp price cuts meant Tesla owners who bought their cars just weeks earlier likey paid thousands of dollars more than those who waited until January.

Vikas Khanna, a healthcare executive who bought a Tesla Model Y SUV in late December, told the Wall Street Journal that he missed out on about $5,000 in savings. Khanna, a longtime Tesla fan who bought two vehicles in the past, paid about $65,000 for his Model Y. “It just reminded me and solidified why Tesla, as an organization, is one that I can no longer trust,” Khanna told the outlet.

Is the woman you love a cat lover?

Here's your chance to show her you know all about it.
Click on the picture above for information on these earrings. 
They're only $18.00 with free shipping.  You can find something nice for 
your Mom, your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 

Calvin's resolution...

The Liar-in-Chief is at it again...

Joe Biden repeated an untrue story for at least the eighth time on Monday claiming an Amtrak conductor congratulated him for racking up one million miles on the train commuting between Wilmington, Delaware and Washington, D.C. The president has told this fabricated story since at least his 2020 presidential campaign.
Standing beside Maryland Governor We Moore, Biden told the often-repeated story as part of his remarks kicking off a new project to replace a train tunnel in Baltimore built in the 1870s.
Biden said a conductor gave him kudos for logging more miles on Amtrak than on Air Force Two as vice president. 'I was going home as a United States senator – as vice president – and one of the conductors said to me, 'Hey Joe, big deal, a million – whatever – 200 –.' He said, 'You've traveled over a million miles on Amtrak,' Biden said. 'I said, 'How the hell do you know that?' And they added it up there,' Biden recalled, even though fact-checks have shown this is not true.

Biden, who has been called 'Amtrak Joe' due to his affinity for the train, has told the story several times of his Amtrak conductor friend Angelo Negri, who is at the center of the story. 
Negri, however, had been dead for more than a year – and retired for more than two decades – before the earliest moment Biden could have had this conversation as vice president.

If 'living imperfectly' was a skill, I'd be a Master Craftsman...



Tom Selleck was shocked when Frank Sinatra appeared on Magnum, P.I. for free. Ol’ Blue Eyes was a big fan of the Hawaii-based crime show, he asked to be on it and Tom personally called him to ask what type of character he wanted to play.  “My co-star, Larry Manetti, he was a big, big Frank fan and he said, ‘You gotta call Frank, he wants to do the show,’ and I said, ‘OK,’ and I knew Frank, but not like Larry. So I call Frank and I say, ‘Do you want to do our show?’ And he goes, ‘Yeah,’ and I say, ‘Well we’re going to have to write it for you, what do you want to do?’ He says, ‘I don’t know, just make sure I get to beat somebody up’.”


Two thirds of all Americans, or 166 million people, are struggling 
to make ends meet - and of those, 8 million earn more than $100,000 a year. The average American earns $58,260 a year. Respondents to a new survey, carried out by industry publication Pymnts.com and LendingClub, also reported trouble in paying their bills. Almost one in four - 24 percent - said they had issues paying their bills in December.
How is it possible that no one seems to know how to save money or prepare for crisis any more? 
Shit - since I was a little kid I've always had a little side-stash of cash just because I knew I would have periods of time when I'd either be out of work or there'd be shit I wanted to buy. It's not like my Mother or Father instilled some kinda frugality gene in us or something, it's just something I figured out when I was in my early teens. Fuck - I've worked since I was nine years old - and still do.'


A person familiar with the Angels organization predicted that the year would now play out this way for Ohtani: The Angels will hold him for a few months to see if they can remain in contention. If they fail to do so, general manager Perry Minasian would have to seek permission from an unpredictable owner to solicit offers for him prior to the trade deadline. If Moreno allows it, the ask will be extremely high.
Martino also reported the Mets and New York Yankees are not expected to make a deal with the Angels before Ohtani hits the open market.

I don't wanna sound like some kinda pussy or nothin', but it's been cold as shit here for the last three weeks, with a couple of days below freezing - weather so shitty that it killed every flowering plant in the state just about AND two of my friggin' palm trees. Anyway, if there is just one thing I don't miss about Jersey (and trust me, there's not much I do miss) it's shoveling snow and wearing four layers of clothes just to go to work. Thanks, anyway, but I'll pass on the cold shit, thank you.
But if it does happen, we're ready...

And the dog is still laughing...


Americans now say that a lack of leadership from President Biden and the Congress is the country’s biggest problem  outpacing inflation, ​the immigration crisis and the state of the economy, according to a poll released on Monday. ​


Is the woman you love a cat lover?

Here's your chance to show her you know all about it.
Click on the picture above for information on these earrings. 
They're only $18.00 with free shipping.  You can find something nice for 
your Mom, your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 

Can you imagine being related to - or for that matter even just knowing - someone as petty as these motherfuckers in New York that just will not let this guy alone?
They are so afraid of him and what he's capable of doing they gnaw away at his ankles hoping to topple him, but I believe the guys pretty much bullet-proof. 
This Stormy Daniels shit was done and dusted four years ago. The pettiness of these politicians is unbelievable - to me at least.

"Hey, Honey - Let's go down to the Carribbean and stand behind some jets!" How friggin' stupid is this?

 And they don't see it as a problem...


Monday, January 30, 2023

There's a reason...

Wanna go to the Super Bowl? Better hit the lottery first...


Ya gotta love the New York Post...

 Sometimes, it's an off-beat story or a crazy picture, but it's really the front pages that make the paper so much fun to read...

The whole city is up in arms because some dimwit at the Empire State Building chose to honor the Philadelphia Eagles after their win yesterday. Of course the Eagles are just about the biggest rivals for both the Jets and the Giants, so somebody pushing light buttons musta been a little high when they did it. 
Here's the funniest thing about it that most New Yorkers don't want to admit - New York City doesn't even have a team of it's own. 
Both teams play in New Jersey. Juss' sayin'...

(That is if I ever start to give a shit about football)

Hobbes states the obvious...


Valentine's Day is just two weeks from now.
Think the wife or daughter would like this?

Click on the picture above for information on this bracelet
It's only $18.00 with free shipping.  You can find something nice for 
your Mom, your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 

Your daily 'crock of shit' report...

When liberal media locks on to an idea - no matter how friggin' crazy it is - they like to embellish the bullshit. 
Here's a perfect example of story manipulation: 

Sometimes, you have to read it to believe it. Not the fuckin' nonsense they're spewing, but the fact that somebody had the balls to write it and then an editor said 'Yeah - let's run with it..."
This article starts out with this overblown, ridiculous assertion: "The evidence that gas stoves are bad for human health has grown so staggering over the last few years that the US Consumer Product Safety Commission recently announced that it would consider banning the appliances."
Is that an electric flame is see under that wok?

Just when you've reached the point where you thought you'd seen all the bullshit liberal tree-huggers can trow at you, there's this. And they find one asian-looking guy who may actually own an electric wok (what self-respecting real asian chef would use one?) and it's actually a selfie from the guy himself.See for yourself:

PS: The story was sponsored by The 11th Hour Project. This outfit - funding by a tech multi-billionaire - is the main grant-making vehicle of the incredibly left-of-center Schmidt Family Foundation of former Alphabet (Google) CEO Eric Schmidt.

I got a friend request on Fakebook this morning. Should I accept?

And so the 2024 Olympic Presidential Run/Walk has begun...

 If he picks Kari Lake as his running mate he loses. Juss' sayin'... 

I think this is what pisses me off the most about DJT. If he can deliver such a strong and spot-on message as this is and stop making jerkoff remarks about other candidates, he's a shoe-in. He just can't stop the name-calling and insult slinging. Policy-wise, the guy's brilliant. Will somebody please rein him in?


Valentine's Day is just two weeks from now.
Think the heart of your heart would like this?

Click on the picture above for information on this bracelet
It's only $18.00 with free shipping.  You can find something nice for 
your Mom, your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 

Pigeons gather in Times Square on a rainy day, New York City, 1954


Okay, so here's the thing I really don't understand about all this terrorism in the name of God shit. I don't do any kind of 'religion thing' anymore. I did it (because I was forced to) until I was 12 and that was the end of that. So somebody's got to explain to me how blowing up somebody else's church is gonna advance belief in your religion. Case in point? This is meant to be humorous:

My work wagon - an '05 F150 with 198,000 miles on it. It's certainly served me well and it keeps on tickin' like one of them old Timex'. Second trans, shotgun power window doesn't work, doesn't squirt wiper fluid anymore, 
seats look like a dog's been pukin' on 'em for a while, and the belts sing like Tiny Tim, other than that runs like nobody's business. Gets 15-19+/- MPG and leaks a quart of oil a month or thereabouts. Gets me exactly where I wanna go almost every single time and I know where just about every tool and other shit is in and out of the truck.
Why the fuck would I ever wanna get a new one? I am thinking of finally taking the stickers off the tailgate, though. Wuddya think?

If you guys haven't been paying attention, I am serious 
about the $ 104.00. Ask Rickn8or.

I've gotten to the point where I do not believe anything anyone tells me about this Chicom disease shit.

Man oh man, dat ad sho' is racist....


 Donald Trump took aim at Ron DeSantis Saturday, claiming the Florida governor and his team are “trying to rewrite history” regarding their Covid-19 pandemic response, and called the potential presidential run by his GOP rival “very disloyal.”

I have issues about this. You really don't want me to get in to them here. Juss' sayin' - it's fuckin' stupid for SO many reasons.

When we were growing up back in the 50's and the 60's, did anyone have 'gender dysphoria'? Sure some the boys liked boys and vice-versa, but boys wanting to be girls and the other way around? Not that I was aware of. Sure, there was that one Jorgensen fellow somewhere who did something, but none of that shit existed in my neighborhood. Not that I know of, anyways...

I'm thinkin' the ole' City by the bay could sure use a couple hundred 
of these guys hanging around these days...

What we talked about yesterday...

That's as big as I can make it here but you get the drift.



Here's one for ya, Auntie...