Thursday, September 30, 2021

There's a few things I miss about Manhattan.

 And certainly strolling through Washington Square Park and listening to the jazz bands is on the top of that list... 


And Dancing in the streets of Little Italy...


I miss affordable theater and half-price tickets 
from Times Square. Broadway's been shut down 
for almost two years now, but you can see 
some shows for $ 200+ if you have vaccine 
passport. Gimme a fuckin' break...

Bryant Park behind the greatest Library in the world.

Street gyros in Lower Manhattan.

Strolling through Central Park at dusk.

Concerts at The Garden

What an amazing difference this thing 
has made at our house.

These things work great. Try one for yourself.
There's more information about how these work right here. 
Click on the above picture or this link:

The grandest of all museums - the Metropolitan Museum of Art

The 7th avenue street vendors

The outdoor cafes in the spring and fall.


The wall outside my old offices at One Penn Plaza. In the summer four or five of us would sit on them at lunchtime and judge the girls walking by with big, hand-held score cards. 
It grew so popular that crowds would actually build up and the office girls would walk by on purpose just for the fun of it. We actually had a re[porter show up one day and we appeared in the Daily News in a picture. That was way too much fun.

The view from the bar at the Mandarin Hotel on Columbus Circle across from the Trump Hotel.

Great Jazz clubs like this one.


And maybe one of favorite restaurants in the entire world, If you ever get a chance to get there you have to - HAVE TO - try the Veal Chop Parmigiana. 
It's the specialty of the house. This is it - and yes, it is that big:




Buy yourself something useful. You deserve it. 
These are great, heavy-duty tool bags. 
Get yourself a couple. I have three of them.

Get a couple for yourself for less than $ 19 bucks each. 
Click on the picture or this link:



Problem solving the Canadian way

Some insights into our neighbors in the north...  



An 18 wheel diesel tanker caught fire in Alberta, Canada. 
Firefighters just watched, there was no way to put it out.
 Truck's on fire on the highway and you 
can't get equipment there in time?

They shoulda called these guys.
Same scenario, same place in Canada. 
Juss' sayin'...



Who knew? They seem bright enough to me...

You'da thought that about Mississippi or Alabama or New Jersey even, but Canada?
 The article is here:


Starting to get cold out -  time to
 rethink the casual stuff... 

All branches of the service are available 
if you click on the picture or this link:







Need to go to Amazon? Just click on the banner:



Do you know what kind of world we live in know?

 I can sum that up very easily. How's this: 
"Fuck you." It's as if nothing is done for the greater good anymore... 


It's amazing how many ways we can say it.

It's amazing how simple an equation it can be.

I'm pretty sure he wasn't saying it, 
but ya never know...



I mean - seriously - look  the two words up on Google 

We learn it early and it stays with us...




What an amazing difference this thing 
has made at our house.

These things work great. Try one for yourself.
There's more information about how these work right here. 
Click on the above picture or this link:


This is Pretty Boy Floyd - A notorious bank robber who 'operated' throughout the midwest in the late 1920s and early 1930s. The nation's Public Enemy No. 1 at the time had robbed two dozen banks was finally killed by Federal Agents (shot 12 times in the back) on Oct. 23, 1934.
He was, however, much loved by more than a few people. It's seems Floyd didn't really like banks and bankers much. When he robbed banks, he would often make the Banks' Managers burn or destroy all of the Mortgage records they had on hand at the time. That relieved hundreds and hundreds of families from their debt obligations - a nice 'Fuck You' to the banks.

I don't think she's worked twice since that whole fucked up Trump head bullshit. Good. Fuck her. If anyone ever deserved a well-aimed 'Fuck you' she's certainly a top candidate... Fuck her again.

Pay your vehicles sales tax, pay your yearly ownership tax(tag & registration fee), pay your fuel tax, and soon pay your mileage tax. When will we have had enough? At this rate, the cost of going to work will eventually outpace the worthiness of going to work. And what will they have accomplished?


That's enough of that for now. 
I need to catch my breath.
I made my point I hope.


Photo taken by Alfred Eisenstaedt at a puppet show 
during the exact moment the dragon was slain. 
(Paris, 1963)


Costco is reinstating its purchase limits on certain items in its warehouses, such as toilet paper, cleaning supplies, water, and other items. Originally, the limits were due to demand fueled by the COVID-19 pandemic. Now they're because of supply-chain issues. Not enough truck drivers to deliver the goods.

Obviously here's a shitload of people who 
skipped 'Economics 101' in High School.

More than 2.9 million people have signed a petition calling for the federal government to provide $2,000 in monthly stimulus payments. The petition, which is one of the more popular stimulus petitions on the website, is called “$2000/month to every American #moneyforthepeople #covid19″ and is directed at Congress.
If the petition gets 3 million signatures, its target goal, it would be “become one of the top signed on,” according to the website.

This is a great idea - plugs in to any outlet...

 Grab a couple. You can have charge-ability in every room of the house.
Find it here for only $ 13.00 bucks each:


That musta been one helluva toy.
I wonder if it went in water?
They had the balls to tack on a 
2% Sales Tax for New Yorkers.

This is Claude Monet in his garden at Giverny in France 
in the summer of 1905. I've never seen a picture of him...

This concert was 54 years ago. 
54 years before that was 1914.
 Perspective's a bitch...


And this blog is proof enough for me...

Need to go to Amazon? Just click on the banner:





It's free for three months. Why not give it a try?


It may not be winter anymore, but it's still a great idea...

...     Here's a great idea for a gift  that's  both  truly unique and very affordable...     Click on the picture for more informat...