Friday, July 31, 2020

There's a storm coming right at me...

It is hurricane season and I do live in Florida, so no big deal, right... 

What would you do if you were me? I'll be drinkin' 'cause ya know beer goes bad after a while.



Let's listen to a little Pablo Cruise 
while we're 'imbibing', okay?
Don't know who they are? Let me introduce you - 
a great live version of one of their best songs...


THAT's another a pretty deadly look, wouldn'tja say?

Let's have a drink, sit back and listen.


Drinkin' with the guys in the Pacific in '44.




That is my exact state of mind










There's a storm a-comin'...


I honestly don't know how much more 
negativity I can handle.



On July 30, 1966, RKO General Broadcasting launched WOR-FM, the first “free format” major market FM Rock Station in the country. 

The original WOR-FM disc jockey lineup included: Scott Muni (formerly of WABC and WMCA), Murray “the K” Kaufman (formerly of WINS), Rosko (Bill Mercer) and Johnny Michaels.

 For kids of my generation, this was the Golden Age of Radio. Jimi Hendrix was in the studios of WOR-FM for his first radio interview in NYC.

Yup. That about sums my life up.

Chic fights were always a lot of fun to watch when we were kids.

Tropical Storm Isaias: Americans should start preparing for 'winds, heavy rainfall and storm surge,' hurricane center says

Tracking models say it may or may not hit us. 
Thanks for that brilliant friggin' prediction.



When - last night in a dream? Nice coat.

The single best knife sharpener 
you'll ever use. Period.

Click on this link:


There IS an end to the free money?

Expanded unemployment benefits for more than 25 million Americans will expire on Friday after negotiations between lawmakers on Capitol Hill failed. The Senate adjourned on Thursday afternoon and won’t return until Monday — meaning those extra jobless payments will expire on Friday with no action.

They couldn't give a shit about you and me if they tried. 
It's all gamesmanship and power plays.


I told you about this before. This POS is gonna crash and burn on this. They say he was there 22 different times.


Every driver you'll ever need 
at a price that just can't be beat?  


You'll find it here:


Is this what they mean by 'Toddling'?
Can this city possibly get more fucked up?

An apprehended Chicago carjacking suspect opened fire on police Thursday morning, striking three officers as they attempted to walk him into a local police station, police said. Police returned fire and shot the suspect, who was rushed to a hospital with the three officers - all in varying conditions.

Details around the shootout were not immediately known. It’s unclear how the man managed to shoot the police officers - whether the suspect had his own gun or if he wrested the weapon from one of the cops.

Of course it's here in Florida.
Pretty funny, huh?

Amazon will invest over $10 billion in its satellite internet network after receiving FCC authorization

The Federal Communications Commission declared on Thursday that Amazon may build its ambitious satellite internet system, which would compete with SpaceX’s Starlink network.
Amazon’s project, known as Kuiper, would see the company launch 3,236 satellites into low Earth orbit. Amazon says it will deploy the satellites in five phases, with broadband service beginning once it has 578 satellites in orbit.
“We conclude that grant of Kuiper’s application would advance the public interest by authorizing a system designed to increase the availability of high-speed broadband service to consumers, government, and businesses,” the FCC secretary Marlene Dortch said in its authorization order.

It's a very ambitious project to be sure.

Mickey and his wife Ava Gardner. Ya think that little midget wasn't packin' something somewhere to get at a major babe like her?

Buddy of mine in upstate NY sent me this a few years ago. Pulled the carpet up in a house he had just bought and found this underneath. Why would anyone ever think to cover that up? Too cool. 
Hadda be a kids room, right?

Anybody ask the monkeys if they're okay with this?
Experimental J&J vaccine protects 
monkeys in a single dose.

A study in monkeys showed its best-performing vaccine candidate offered strong protection in a single dose. When exposed to the virus, six out of six animals who got the candidate vaccine were completely protected from lung disease and five out of six were protected from infection as measured by the presence of virus in nasal swabs, according to the study published in the journal Nature.
"This gives us confidence that we can test a single-shot vaccine in this epidemic and learn whether it has a protective effect in humans."

Because we're (we/men) are idiots. 
That's why.

This has become a very popular item here 
so it's worth re-posting. 

People have told me that not only are they buying them for themselves,  
they're buying them for their kids, their girlfriends and their wives. 
I think that's a great idea.  

There are a couple different strengths available here - 
find the one that's right for you:


I'm no fan one way or another of this chic,  but a lot of people like her, and that's why she's a target now. Sometimes, reaching the heights of fame and fortune just isn't worth it because the fuckin' rats will chew at your ankles until you fall. Fuckin' scumbags I swear.


This is downtown Anchorage, Alaska - 
an 'All-American City' circa 1959.

The $7.2 million check used 
to pay for Alaska back in 1867.

Trump floats the idea of an election delay, 
and the media just explodes in their pants.

And the nation's main-stream media went bug-fuck nuts, as he knew they would. 
These stupid fuckers in the media don't know when they're being played, and this guy is a master at it.



Right click on the banner to have it open in a new tab:


Toys were remarkably different when I was a kid.

A 9-year-old girl learning to fire an Uzi submachine gun accidentally killed her instructor at a shooting range. A nine year old kid. Nine. Let that sink in.


It's ponderous,on many levels, isn't it...

(Insert penis growing on arm caption here)

I'll leave ya with this:


This poser was pretending to wear a gold chain but unfortunately his photo also captured the background in a mirror, showcasing that it was his mother's handbag handle instead 


There's never a time when we can't say hello to Luiza.





Do you keep a First Aid kit 
in your vehicle? 

If you don't, don'tcha think ya should?

This is a pretty good one and it'll fit 
under your front seat if ya don't wanna 
keep it in the trunk. 
Take a look:

Comes complete with a FREE Bonus 32-Piece Mini First Aid Kit

Here's one for ya, Auntie...