Saturday, August 31, 2019

It's Happy Hour

And Dorian is buying...

I really don't have to add a caption, do I...


I don't know what the contest is, but she's winning.


She could drink a lot more with that kinda storage.


Four more good reasons to drink.


Great suit top, hon...


PBR's are ok with Clint, they're ok with me.


Whoever designed these bar stools is a genius.


and the girls are doing their happy/no hurricane dance!


I'm liking this....

Latest forecast has the storm riding up along the coast...

Bad for the coastal states but good for me.

Your Saturday open road

Be a wanderer - always a wanderer...







Saturday morning funnies and other crap

You know it's gonna be a bad day when you can't sleep in...


Venison for dinner tonight eh bud?

Musta been in Playboy back in the late 50's...


She has to be related to my wife. Hasta be...

The swimmer's kick off of the wall. Helluva move...


Like every dance we ever had in High School back in the 60's.



There's three or four movies out there (including Ferris) that have great 
Parade scenes in them but this one is tops.


The more absurd the more I like 'em.


How Japanese Pro Wrestling got it's start.


Friday, August 30, 2019

New to the bump thing?

If you are, good for you and welcome.

Things that go bump in the night.






Just remember - that's somebody's little sister pal...

$ 100.00 reward available

I'll pay $ 100.00 to my 100th follower.
IF you have any friends tell them about this offer. It's legit.

$ 100.00

Holly Golightly has entered the room

Breakfast at Tiffany's.

One of my all time favorite movies.

Belly up boys

Storm's comin' - time to get preparedicated...

Musclin' up for the task ahead - thanks for the loan Woodsterman!







A pirate's life is the life for me

Gonna leave it up. 
What will it look like on Tuesday?

I'm a fan of the Eagles

The band, not the football team.
Fuck the football team...

Just came across this video of the group when Timothy B. Schmitt first joined the band.

This is gona be a looooooooong weekend.

Now they're saying shit'll hit the fan Sunday night into Monday...

NOAA prediciton map from yesterday

The newest map and predictions
NOAA warned Dorian will most likely intensify into a major Category 4 hurricane during the next few days.
The latest forecast said: "The biggest concern will be Dorian's slow motion when it is near Florida, placing some areas of the state at an increasing risk of a prolonged, drawn-out event of strong winds, dangerous storm surge, and heavy rainfall.
"There is still substantial middle- and upper-level dry air on the south side of the hurricane, as shown by tonight’s G-IV mission, which has been allowing only slow strengthening during the day.
“As Dorian turns west-northwestward, however, shear should drop somewhat due to it moving on the northeast side of an upper-level low near the Florida Straits, and the winds aloft will no longer be pointed toward the core, which will help decrease dry air entrainment.
“All these changes should promote intensification while Dorian moves over the 29C waters east of Florida, so the intensity forecast is raised from the previous one, consistent with the corrected-consensus guidance.
“Unfortunately, I don’t see any large-scale factors that would prevent Dorian from becoming an extremely dangerous category 4 hurricane during the next few days.”

It'll get here when it gets here and it'll  be what it will be.

Good morning, beautiful.


This is from 1945. Here's the story...

My father was home on leave from the Navy and had not yest mustered out after his stint on an LST in the Pacific. He'd been at sea during the Battle of Leyte Gulf - the largest naval conflict in human history. 
He comes home to see my Mom (they were not married yet) and wants to take her in to NYC on a date to go dancing to the Dorsey Band at the Hotel Pennsylvania.
They take the train in to the city from Newark, NJ where they both lived at the time, 
and get off at Penn station. 
They go outside and hail a cab and tell the driver where they wanna go. They're very excited about seeing the band - this was a BIG deal back in those days. After about a 15 minute ride my father pays the cabbie and they go in to the Hotel and go to the show. They have a GREAT time...

My mom & dad - Sophie & Dick Jackson at 19 in '45. This was taken that night at the show.

It's a great date, and after the show they head out to get a cab back to the train station. My father hails one and they get in. 
He tells the cabby to take them to Penn Station and the cabbie turns around to him and looks at him like he's nuts and says: 'I hate to tell you Buddy, but it's RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET.
The first cabbie had taken them for a ride and fleeced him for probably a buck and a half by driving around the block a few times!
What can I add to this to make you understand how truly fucked we are as a society?


As it relates to the boobage issue .


TV was a LOT better when we were kids.

It wouldn't surprise me, that's for sure...


I'd leave the little fucker in there and make him figure it out.


Sure did think she was cute back then.


Here's one for ya, Auntie...