Sunday, March 23, 2025

Serving some Sunday service sermon silliness...






Why are they always SO angry?

You'd have to be deaf, dumb and just plain stupid not to notice how the party that's supposed to be the 'most caring and compassionate' is also the angriest and most violent. I'll never quite understand why so many so-called liberals are so pissed off all the time. When's the last time you saw Pocahontas smile or Maxine Waters say something nice? Why are liberal 'protestors' - there's always something to bitchabout with this ilk - always so ready to burn yer friggin' house down just because you disagree with 'em? It seems a little counter-intuitive to me, but hey - what do I know. I've never been to a protest...


When's the last time you saw a Beetle Bailey strip?

What's not to love about the British tabloid press? 
This was a front-page item from one this morning. 


“Do you know that one of the great problems of our age is that we are governed by people who care more about feelings than they do about thoughts and ideas.”

― Margaret Thatcher                             

Aah - the 80's. I remember them well...


  In front of the Newark Evening News building on Market Street 
in NJ awaiting a World Series Result 1926


Baseball commissioner Rob Manfred - a spineless fuckwad if ever there was one - who launched a 'Diversity Pipeline' Program in 2016, said following an owners meeting in Palm Beach, Florida, last month that MLB was evaluating the interpretation of law coming from the federal government.
“Our values, particularly our values on diversity, remain unchanged, but another value that is pretty important to us is we always try to comply with what the law is,” he said. “There seems to be an evolution going on here. We’re following that very carefully. Obviously, when things get a little more settled, we’ll examine each of our programs and make sure that while the values remain the same that we’re also consistent with what the law requires.”
Kamala Harris couldn'ta said it better.

Dobie Gillis and Maynard G. Krebs were the main characters of the 
hit TV show 'The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis' 60 years ago.. Go figure...


Barb sells quite a few of these.
They're very popular & a great price...
Click on the picture for more information on these unique hand-made earrings.
They're only $ 20.00 and that includes free shipping!




Paradise Lake...

Saturday, March 22, 2025

What does Mr. Sneyd have in the archives for us today?


May be a repeat, but I really like his drawing style...

Yeah - they're a little twisted, but I think they're funny...

Looks like the guy who draws Archie, doesn't it?

Click on the picture for more information on these unique hand-made earrings.
They're only $ 20.00 and that includes free shipping!

Twisted Hillybilly saves the day for all of us again...

And yes - you have seen her in another post...

Are you one of the protest ants?

Never judge a book by it's cover, and never believe everything you hear from a poll - especially if you know going in it's gonna be lop-sided. “Companies and consumers are playing a high-stakes game of chicken – corporations betting on convenience winning out over conviction, while consumers wield their spending power like a weapon,” said Libby Rodney, chief strategy officer at the Harris Poll.
“The data suggests this is a miscalculation,” she said. “When 20% of Americans are permanently changing their consumption habits and nearly a third of boycotters say they’ll hold out indefinitely, convenience may no longer be the decisive factor companies think it is.”

When asked about the boycotts that have been making headlines over the last few weeks, 36% of Americans said they are or will be participating.Makes ya wonder who they're talking about. 
I don't know a single person actively boycotting anything. Do you?
 Click on the picture for more information on these beautiful earrings
IThey're only $ 20.00 - and come to you with free shipping!

That's what they told me to do...

The roots of March Madness revealed. Sorta...

In Louisville, Kentucky, Damon Stinson says his dad, Bob, came up with the idea of creating individual brackets in the 1970s, inspired by a recreational softball league. “That's just when it clicked and he decided, 'You know what, why don't we do this for the NCAA basketball tournament?
The other version of the story? “A lot of people like to say that we started the brackets and stuff like that, which we’re pretty proud of,” said Terence Haggerty, owner of Jody’s Club Forest on Staten Island. “I’m not going to tell you it’s official that we were the ones who started it. My father just started a pool, and it just grew and grew, and the popularity of it was just astronomical.”
Haggerty’s dad, Jody, founded his Irish pub in 1976. A few months later, he came up with the idea to bet on the NCAA basketball championship. For $10, you picked the Final Four teams and the national champion.
Jody’s first pool, in 1977, had 88 entrants and a jackpot of $880. It quickly became the talk of the town. Haggerty says every March for 30 years, Jody’s Club and the surrounding streets were packed with people trying to get their picks in.
It's a you-pick'em no matter what. The American Gaming Association estimates that Americans will gamble $3.1 billion on the men's and women's tournaments. This sum doesn't even include all the money bet illegally, including entry fees for bracket pools (yes, your office pool is technically illegal).

Why are they sitting on so much money?

The University is bitching and moaning that it'll have to cut 2,000 job here in Baltimore and in 44 foreign countries because they're being denied 
$ 800,000,000.00 (you read that correctly - eight hundred mil) from the now-shuttered USAID. Johns Hopkins University's endowment stood at $13.06 billion in FY2024. This represents a significant increase from the previous year, fueled by donations and a strong stock market. That means they have more than enough money - on hand and available - to fund all 2,000 of those jobs, but they won't do it because they've become so addicted to sucking to the Fed's tit they don't know any other way of operating. No wonder we're so fucking broke. Are these the 'rich who get richer' or what?



1973 was the year I got out of the Army. It may well have been the best year of my life. To celebrate my new found freedom, I bought that exact car. I wish to fuckall I still had it. Car was a friggin' chic magnet. Juss' sayin'...



Ya really do have to wonder what goes through these people's heads when they 'create' stupid shit like this movie, which I, of course, will never, ever see, but nonetheless, WTF are they thinking? It's been cluster bombed by the critics, had abysmal opening week numbers and cost an almost ungodly $ 250,000,000.00 to make, and that number doesn't include advertising and marketing costs. Thank god somebody along the line made some money off of it, 'cause Disney's taking the gaspipe on it.


When will we learn that it's never enough to simply throw money at any problem. The DoEd created so many rules - they laughingly call them 'guidelines' that got so much in the way of teaching the three R's. And don't get me started on the DEI bullshit they threw at schools. Good riddance to a ridiculous, wasteful, unnecessary bureaucracy.


You can buy her something elegant
 without breaking the bank...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet. 
There are a number of new items in her shop. Click here to see them all:

And again with this shithole college that - as of June 30, 2024 - has an endowment valued at $14.8 billion, reflecting a 11.5% return on assets managed by the Columbia University Investment Management Company.
Why would any public school ever allow their students to wear masks like these jerkoffs? Those are the same masks terrorists and mass-murderers wear ferfucksake. Why would any of the protestor jerkoffs want to emulate that kind of symbolism? Classic examples of kids who never got their asses kicked in the school yard growing up...


That's the product of a sick mind. Well done...

Serving some Sunday service sermon silliness...

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