Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Our Twisted Hillbilly friends won't stop, so neither will we...

And we don't even care if it's an AI fake.
Which it is...

Buy your wife these for Mother's Day.
It's less than two weeks away...
Click on the picture for more information on these beautiful earrings.
They're only $ 20.00 and that includes free shipping!

So - who is she?

Nobody guessed last night, so I gotta
 give you an easier one tonight...

YES - these kids are great...

 Even though it's from 2010, 
it's still worth a watch...


Make her happy for Mother's Day.
Buy her this bracelet.
You have less than two weeks to do it...
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's only $ 40.00 and that includes free shipping!

Here's a 'It's Tuesday and I'm STILL day-drinking' happy hour gift from the Playboy archives...


Another upbeat, encouraging message for young wannabe Demorat voters...

First and foremost, let's get something straight. He is a DEMOCRAT strategist, not 'democratic'. That's wrong use of the word - it's an adjective, non a pronoun. Here's what that word really means:
Carville didn't mince words. In an interview on MSDNC, the guy talking to him said "‘James, young voters are just not into this. It’s two candidates, one’s in their 80s, one is almost in their 80s, they’re concerned about things that Washington politicians, and you just can’t blame them for— and Carville jumped on his shit, saying "Oh, shit. Fuck you!" Carville yelled. Nice guy. The video of the interview is here on Fox. What an asshole.

Buy your wife these for Mother's Day.
It's less than two weeks away...
Click on the picture for more information on these beautiful earrings.
They're only $ 20.00 and that includes free shipping!

Hobbes has his 'happy tail' going...

The Greatful Warlocks? WTF...

They know how to deal with these protest dooshbags down in Texas. Good for them - watch this...

Finally - the hero that New York City needs is finally there...

The guy started putting posters around Union Square in Manhattan 
about a week prior to the planned event. 

By the time the event rolled around there was, by some estimates, as many as 1,000 people in the square to do exactly that - stand around and watch the guy eat a big jar of UTZ cheese balls. Took him about 30 minutes to knock them all off, with the crowd cheering him on on each and every ball. This is 'theater of the absurd' at it's finest. I absofuckinlutely woulda been there for that.


If I started reading a bible today it would be 
the first time I ever opened the book.

So I gotta ask - is this legit? And that's what they call a 'holy book'?  Speaking of books, why are people getting so bent out of shape when a politician is stupid enough to write a book and talk about how she shot her fuckin' dog? Honestly - who gives a fuck? I'm really starting to think that all politicans are just plain fuckin' stupid.


They don't need to be suspended. They need to get their asses thrown in the pokey for a coupla days. A night or two at Rikers would most certainly serve them well. Even better, every single one of these mask-wearing jerkoffs should be shipped (in an unventilated shipping container) to Gaza and left there to fend for themselves amongst all the terrorists they support.



Make her happy for Mother's Day.
Buy her this bracelet.
You have less than two weeks to do it...
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's only $ 40.00 and that includes free shipping!


Think anybody's working on a vaccine for this shit? If it 
is an actual 'flu' virus, there can be an actual vaccine 
created from the flu itself. That's how vaccines work.






What the hell was I thinking?

Monday, April 29, 2024

Our friends at Twisted Hillbilly won't stop showing us beautiful HiiBattys. So neither will we...

Who the hell is she?

Easy search on this one, unfortunately...

Love you wife, your mother or your daughter? 
Buy her these for Mother's Day.
It's less than two weeks away...
Click on the picture for more information on these beautiful earrings.
They're only $ 20.00 and that includes free shipping!

Whoopi - we already know you're a jerkoff. There's no need to keep proving it over and oveer again...

She was 'fighting back tears' as she spoke, defending these lawless little cunts making a mockery of our major college campuses. I have an idea. Why not wipe away your tears and go join them on the picket lines and protests? That way, if there is just one more person out there who doesn't think you're a fuckin' scumbag, maybe you can change their mind for them. Wuddya say Hoopie?
The Daily Mail did a great job of reporting on her crocodile tears. 
That report is here if you wanna read it, but why bother?

The spineless pieces of shit who run our schoools of 'higher' education...

The school's president won't do shit. Neilther will the Mayor or the Governor. The Chiep of Police can only act on orders that he's not getting, so here we are. A bunch of spoiled rat fuck kids are making a mockery - again - of the school someone is paying a fortune to for them to attend, and the people who are supposed to be 'in charge'. 
This shit is as bad or worse than the 'peaceful protests of 2020 in the sense that they're making a mockery - again - of the people we need to maintain order in this country. Read the Post's report on this here.

Make her happy for Mother's Day.
Buy her this bracelet.
You have two weeks to do it...
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's only $ 40.00 and that includes free shipping!

Here's a Monday and I'm still day-drinking happy hour gift from the Playboy archives...

Is Jerry Seinfeld - a New York Jew - a conservative? Holy crap, Kramer...

According to a report on Breitbart today, Jerry Seinfeld, one of the most successful comedians in history, lamented that the “extreme left” has ruined comedy. Seinfeld said during an appearance on New Yorker’s Radio Hour that people crave the relief and catharsis that comes with genuine comedy, an experience that he feels has dwindled in recent years due to the rise of woke culture.
“It used to be that you’d go home at the end of the day, most people would go, ‘Oh, Cheers is on. Oh, M.A.S.H. is on. Oh, Mary Tyler Moore is on, All in the Family is on.’ You just expected there will be some funny stuff we can watch on TV tonight,” he said. Click the link to read more about it.

Love you wife, your mother or your daughter? 
Buy her these for Mother's Day.
It's less than two weeks away...
Click on the picture for more information on these beautiful earrings.
They're only $ 20.00 and that includes free shipping!

Calvin's side hustle...

Pray for the unwashed - and the ones who got jabbed...

Those of us - the 'anti-vaxxers' who knew all along that the covid 19 shots were NOT vaccines at all, may see this as a form of vindication. Covid was a crisis - there's no doubt about it. Fuck - even I had it, although I was healthy enough to fend it off - in fact I worked every day while going through the symptoms. 

I knew in my heart that anything that convoluted - an MRNA protein 'fix' - was bullshit science. I also know that side-effects from the vaccines and boosters most likely killed my brother TJ, but that's a story for another day.

Want more information on these dispicable bastards wwho are only now being forced to admit their shit was voodoo science? Click here.


From my lips to god's ears...

 I don't know that I'm any kinda great thinker, 
but didn't I kinda talk about this the other day?


Every time you're in a gas station or a supermarket and you see the guy or gal in front of you paying for something by using an app on their phone, they are showing you the way our government - and damn near every other one - wants to go. The idea of a cash-less society should be frightening to everyone on every level, and yet these young chowderheads are embracing the concept. Read about how China is struggling with it's conversion to cashless here.

 Ann Margret was happy to be on The Flintstones because she's a nice person and it was kinda cool. The Simpsons have asked Bruce Springstein to be on their show at least a dozen times and he's refused every time. Wuddya suppose that says about him?


A new study shows people who are in the habit of climbing stairs are less likely to die from heart disease compared to those who don't. Stair climbers also had a slight boost in longevity.
Think about this, though. Someone actually commissioned that study and paid someone to do it. As if someone commissioned a study to find out why the sky is so much brighter during the day than it is at night. Juss' sayin'...


I'm sure the cat's owners aren't stoners, 'cause even a fuckin' stoner woulda noticed that the box was 12 pounds heavier with the cat in it. The cat somehow magically disappeared from her home in Utah earlier this month - prompting widespread searches for the beloved missing moggie. (Just so ya know moggie is a word used by Brits to describe a cat, especially one that does not have a pedigree or is otherwise unremarkable.)
 She was 'rescued' by an Amazon worker nearly a week after jumping into one of the family's packages undetected. The cat was in good health despite having had no food or water for days.
The rest of this cat's tail is here.


If you know who these people are, you know really good television.



Ya see, over here, we're protesting about wars and hostages and terrorists and all kindsa other trivial bullshit. Over there in wooden-shoe-land, they're protesting about important shit. Or piss, or whatever. You get my point...

Make her happy for Mother's Day.
Buy her this bracelet.
You have two weeks to do it...
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful bracelet.
It's only $ 55.00 and that includes free shipping!





Here's one for ya, Auntie...