Thursday, October 31, 2019

Rule 5 Boobs O'plenty

Must be Irish - all of 'em... 






We're drinking, my friend

To the end of a brief episode... 



This one's pretty cool. 
Click here to see it: 



So make one for my baby,



My personal favorite. Click on this if you want one for yourself:




and one more for the road... 

Rack 'em up boys.

OTHER things that go bump

and not on purpose... 





Time to upgrade your phone?

DO NOT trade it in at the cellphone company.


I did this just last month - got DOUBLE what Verizon was gonna give me





Wednesday, October 30, 2019

I got yer friggin' HAPPY pal...




Nice sign. Get one for yourself - click here:



You may see this one again later tonight.

Or maybe something simpler in metal perhaps. Find it here:




Mindlessness is key

I have zero direction OR motivation today.
 It's YOUR fault.



I thought guns were illegal 
in California?

At Least 3 Killed, 9 Injured in Halloween Party Shooting in Long Beach 

At an all-male Halloween party? Really? Oh - that's right. LA.

At least three men were killed and nine other people were injured in a shooting at a Halloween house party in Long Beach Tuesday night, according to the Long Beach Fire Department.

The shooting took place around 10:44 p.m. in the 2700 block of 7th Street and the men who died were in their 20s, the LBFD said. 

No arrests have been made and there was no description immediately available of the shooter or shooters, according to the fire department. The shooting occured at a single-family home behind a business. A large crime scene was visible as of 11:29 p.m. A motive for the shooting was not immediately known.


Juss so ya know - the bounty for the hundreth follower is still alive and well. We have a waze ta go but I has faith inyuz.


Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun’s 

3,300 Year Old Sandals

Statues and statuettes of Tutankhamun from the tomb show him wearing golden sandals. These sandals are made of wood and overlaid with a marquetry veneer of bark, green leather, and gold foil on a stucco base. The outer soles are covered with white stucco. The straps over the insteps are of bark ornamented with a diaper pattern in gold foil. On the inner sole are figures of Negro and Asiatic captives bound with stems of lotus and papyrus. Above and below are groups of four bows which together with the captives, represent the nine traditional enemies of Egypt whom the king symbolically trod underfoot when wearing the sandals.


Christmas IS coming ya know...
Get yourself a present - it's even free to try for 30 days!




Maybe, if the guys in Long Beach had a pirate guard cat...


Basic, Ft. Dix, 1970. Me in the middle...




Shit's getting serious in L.A. with 
these fires. Yikes.


They keep shelling out this kinda dough cable is gonna get REAL expensive...

Comedy Central’s “South Park” will have a new home online as of June 2020. HBO Max, the WarnerMedia-backed direct-to-consumer service that debuts in May, has won the battle for exclusive streaming rights in the U.S. to Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s animated satire, which is currently hosted on Disney-owned Hulu. The deal is valued at $500 million to $550 million, a source familiar with matter tells Variety.

South Park Digital Studios, a joint venture between Viacom, Parker and Stone, inked the multi-year licensing deal, which covers all 23 seasons plus three new seasons, which will appear on HBO Max 24 hours after the episode first airs on Viacom’s Comedy Central.

Reports of a bidding war for the show’s U.S. streaming rights surfaced earlier in the month, with Bloomberg reporting a possible valuation of $450 million to $500 million. By mid-October, known spender Netflix had already dropped out of the race for “South Park,” Variety had learned. A person familiar with the discussions said that Netflix had sought global, not just domestic, rights for the series.

Here's one way to keep it on the cheap for yourself - check it out here:


My brother used to do this with his son. Explains a lot. 


Facebook unveils its first foray into personal digital healthcare tools

When does this intrusion end?


At what point do we put a stop to allowing these devices to ruin our lives? It's getting pathetic. 

I was in a gas station getting coffee yesterday and there was a major hold-up at the cash register because the cashier couldn't figure out how to get the app on some guys phone to work so he'd get a 5 cent a gallon discount on his gas. This nonsense went on for almost five minutes while the line got longer and longer. I finally walked to the front of the line and handed the guy a dollar and told him to get the fuck outta the store and go buy his gas somewhere else. Guy says to me - 'I guess I wasted my time waiting in line here then, didn't I?' I said - WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK WE'RE DOING BEHIND YOU? Asshole.


On that note...

Here's one for ya, Auntie...