Friday, June 30, 2023

Let's see how good you really are at our nightly 'Naming that Dame' Game...

The file name won't give you a clue, and if you do get 
her name, you either cheated or your my new idol. 
Either way, she was Major League fuckin' hot...

Poor Dylan - I feel so bad for her/him/whatever...

C'mon - ya gotta admit this back-and-forth shit really is funny after all. It's like some kinda weird shit ball that just keeps rolling downhill...
Anheuser-Busch has fired back at Dylan Mulvaney’s claims she was left high and dry in the aftermath of its disastrous campaign with the transgender influencer.
The beermaker, which has taken a $20 billion hit since its partnership with Mulvaney sparked a nationwide boycott, responded to the allegations Thursday after the influencer posted a lengthy video blasting the company for doing nothing to help her as she faced online torment.

The article - with video of the new ads and that 'spokesperson' is here:

Ya know why the New York Post is the greatest paper in the country? Because of their covers - it's that simple...

Ole' Joe ain't exactly firing on all cylinders these days...

It's kinda sad and at the same time  incredibly frightening that this brain-dead old coot is the most powerful man in the world. Read the article and see the video here:


Have a birthday or other special event
 coming up soon? Maybe you need to find
 a gift for someone special. Here they are...

This bracelet is only $ 18.00 and that includes free shipping.
Click on the picture for more information.

The sad truth about air travel these days...

Based on first-hand experience...

Belfast to home yesterday. A bus, a plane, a shuttle 
and my car. 24 1/2 hours start to finish. FUCK...

She looks like that crazy chic usta live nextdoor to Charlie on the beach...

Between the horn and the gear shift, I guess she isn't taking on any riders...

What's up', Calvin...

The sad 'reality of where social media is heading...'

Where I am on this 'Climate change' bullshit, just in case you haven't figured it out yet...

Ya know, I really do get a kick outta all these alarmist jerkoffs doing all these bullshit studies tying everything that they want you to think is fucked up to 'climate change'. It's is such a crock of shit.
First and foremost is this one. You gonna tell me that somehow - all of a sudden - people in India are beating the shit out of each other just because it's hot? 
Fuck - it's been hot there forever, and they been beating the shit out of each other since God knows when. Rednecks here in the south, Irish and Italians up in Jersey, Arabs out in the desert, Africans pretty much everywhere over there - they've all been beating the crap outta each other when it get's hot. So what? WTF is new here? 

Oh - they got a chance to throw 'climate change' in to the equation. Here's a great way for all of them to change the climate. Take your studies and shove 'em up your asses. But seriously, thanks for giving us more ammo to prove how fullashit y'all are...

Here's a word I haven't heard in almost two weeks...

 Biden. I haven't heard that word in almost two weeks. 
It's almost as if my hearing has approved...  
 Could you imagine how difficult Joe Biden's sign language interpreter's job must be? 
Word on the street is that 14 of them have quit the job (some complaining of  BIS - 
or 'brain implosion syndrome') since he took office. 
Two have been reported to have left the White House sobbing uncontrollably.
Juss' sayin'...


Did you ever see what 350 million years 
on Earth looks like?

The Stacks at Downpatrick Head date back 350 million years are made of limestones and shales.
The thin dark layers are shale formed by mud deposits, the medium layers are sandstones, while the white thick layers are limestones and made of seashells. Dun Bristle, the sea stack off Downpatrick Head, is a good example of this feature. The high cliffs were formed by the drift of the American continent against Europe as well the similar cliffs at Slieve League in Donegal.
Dún Briste (Gaelic for Broken Fort) was once joined to the mainland. The sea stack stands 45 metres (150 feet) tall.  Dun Briste and the surrounding cliffs were formed around 350 million years ago (during the ‘Lower Carboniferous Period’), when sea temperatures were much higher and the coastline at a greater distance away.

British tabloids were reporting yesterday that she's near death or some shit. 
Could this possibly be true? One can only hope and pray/ponder.


More than 6,300 airline flight delays and 670 cancelations 
happened on Thursday. I know - been there, done that...

Things could get more difficult as the Pete Judgeabooty's office and the Transportation Security Administration have 'come out' and said (that means somebody was heard mumbling) that Friday will be the busiest air travel day 'in the history of ever'.


The average time of a game in the first two-plus months of the season is 2hr 40min – a span not seen since the early 1980s – much shorter than the bloated averages of 3hr 6min in 2022 and 3hr 11min in 2021. But stats are only part of the story.
Two pitch clocks are mounted behind home plate and two above the center field fence to provide ballgames with a rhythm – and to get rid of all of that bullshit added time for, say, a hitter to step out of the batter’s box to readjust his gloves, or for a pitcher to stroll around the back of the mound scratching his balls and gobbing into his glove.

May well be the single greatest thing to happen in the history of shit happening, if ya get my drift.

Ever been to N'Orleans? It'sa pretty cool town - if ya stick to the French Quarter area. 
There is a shitload'a music pretty much literally on every street corner. Some of it pretty friggin' fanstastic. Some, not so much.
Back before the Covid shit hit the fan it was considered the world's most musical city. See if you can get through the paywall on this article:

Have a birthday or other special event
 coming up soon? Maybe you need to find
 a gift for someone special. Here they are...

This bracelet is only $ 18.00 and that includes free shipping.
Click on the picture for more information.

That's kinda cool and kinda reepy all at once.



How BIG is that friggin' thing?

Perspective my friends, - it's very important. The small black dot in the upper left corner is the planet Mercury passing in front of the sun. Seems kinda small doesn't it? That's not the only perspective here. In this picture, the sun is said to be 36 million miles behind Mercury.



The rich ARE different - it's true. It's also true 
that some of 'em are pretty fuckin' stupid...
This is fuckin' hilarious - ya gotta check this story out:

No matter how much I like to travel, it's always good to 
get home and sleep in my own bed. Juss' sayin'...


On Terra Homa. Or something like that...

Good to be away, good to be home. It's a conundrum...

Here's one for ya, Auntie...