Monday, January 31, 2022

You see these stupid questions all the time on Fakebook...

 Which would you take - $ 800,000,000.00 cash 
or two nights in a pup tent with her? 
It amazes me how many guys would take the girl in 
the tent. Shit, with that kinda cash, you could get that 
same girl in to a private jet ferfucksake.
That's why I hate Fakebook...

Hey guys -  Valentine's Day is 
right round the corner...
How about getting your gal 
something nice like this?

Click on the picture for more info on this item.

An ages-old question answered...

 I'm sure you've all had to deal with this at least 
once or twice after a heavy snow...

I grew up in Newark, NJ - a tough city and a really tough neighborhood to be a kid and grow up in. Back in '59 or '60 or thereabouts, my neighbor three houses up actually shot and killed a guy for taking his parking space that he had just spent the better part of that morning shoveling out.  


The 'usurper' had actually moved aside the garbage can that he had put in the spot to save it. It's a true story. They will defend those spots at all costs.

PS? the neighbor - Mr. Columbo - was an off-duty Newark cop. Did he go to jail for the shooting? Yes - that night. That was it.

Four seasons of weather in one week...


A couple from Playboy...







Hey guys -  Valentine's Day is 
right round the corner...
Think she'd like something like this?

Click on the picture for more info on this item.

Ask the kid - he's pretty sharp...



Valentine's Day is 14 days away. Maybe it's 
time for you to get her something nice.
My wife has added a number of new and
 exciting items to her store. Take a look.
 This is the direct link:

Here's a new item - click on the picture: 





Don't worry Ukraine - Florida's got your back...

200 part-time US soldiers from Florida are in Ukraine right now training Kiev's troops to take on Putin's 130,000 tanks and crack troops with rocket launchers...

American troops have been in Ukraine, training Kiev's forces to use 'bunker buster' rocket launchers amid fears President Putin is about to invade as he continues to move Russian forces to the border. 
Soldiers from the Florida National Guard were seen on a firing range in Lviv, near Ukraine's border with Poland, on Sunday training Kiev's forces to use M141 Bunker Defeat Munitions - around 100 of which have been sent by Washington as part of military aid shipments aimed at deterring a Russian attack. 
Around 200 Florida guardsmen are currently deployed to Ukraine, where the US has maintained a military presence since 2015, and are tasked with providing training and support to the country's armed forces. 'Bunker buster' rockets are designed to blow apart concrete, brick and sandbag positions, and have been used by the US since 1999.

Ukrainian citizens in the capital of Kiev take part in training 
run by the Ukraine National Guard as they prepare for 
the possibility of a Russian invasion

Your daily Dean...



Valentine's Day is 14 days away. Maybe it's 
time for you to get her something nice.
My wife has added a number of new and
 exciting items to her store. Take a look.
 This is the direct link:

Here's a new item - click on the picture: 


Your daily Doug...


Advice from the head of the Roman Catholic Church?

So says the leader of the largest tax-free 
enterprise' on the face of the Earth... 

Always be wary of the people who seek to lecture you...

Pope Francis met with a delegation from Italy’s internal revenue service Monday, praising them for their work and holding up taxation as a necessary tool for redistribution.
Modern tax collectors are often looked upon with suspicion just as they were in the times of Jesus, the pontiff said, but they provide an essential service to the common good by redistributing wealth.
“A certain culture of suspicion can unfortunately extend to those who enforce the laws,” Francis said. “Yet this is a fundamental task, because legality protects everyone and is a guarantee of equality.”
“Laws make it possible to maintain a principle of fairness where the logic of interests generates inequalities,” he added. “Legality in the fiscal area is a way to balance social relations, removing forces from corruption, injustice, and inequality.”
“But this requires some education and cultural change,” the pope continued. “As is often said, people often see the tax system as a ‘reaching its hands into their pockets.’”
In reality, he declared, “Taxation is a sign of legality and justice. It must promote the redistribution of wealth, protecting the dignity of the poor and the least, who always risk being crushed by the powerful.”

(For the record, I am not bashing the church and whatever good it may do 
in the Lord's name. I'm only commenting on his comments)

You lunch time Calvin...





These are the people teaching your children and your children's children...


A former Brooklyn teacher who appeared to call for violence against police officers in a photo posted to Instagram during Friday's funeral of slain New York Police Detective Jason Rivera, claims his words were 'misconstrued' and that he was only pointing out the 'vulnerability' of the crowd of cops. Christopher Flanigan told the New York Post on Sunday that he had received death threats and calls for his firing over the since-deleted post showing an overhead shot of thousands of officers outside St. Patrick's Cathedral for the funeral of Rivera, 22, who was fatally shot while responding to a domestic call Harlem on January 21. Flanigan captioned the photo in his Instagram story: '5/30/20: NYPD SUV drives into a crowd of protestors. Ideal conditions for reciprocity,' according to the New York Post. 
'I was really just trying to show the vulnerability of all of these police officers being in the same place at the same time which seems like a dangerous situation for anyone that would be that gathered together,' Flanigan told the Post on Sunday. 
Late Sunday afternoon, Coney Island Prep released a statement to the Post stating that Flanigan is no longer employed at the school.

Good - maybe he'll get hit by a school bus
 or something less 'reciprocal'.

Valentine's Day is 14 days away. Maybe it's 
time for you to get her something nice.
Here's a new item - click on the picture: 


You can't believe the numbers - or the headlines...

 The caption says that 69% 'approve' 
when it's actually the opposite that's true...

Most Americans believe President Biden is bungling his handling of inflation, according to a new poll Sunday — just days after he called a Fox News reporter a “stupid son of a bitch” for asking a question about the dire issue.
Sixty-nine percent give Biden a thumbs down for his response to inflation, which hit a four-decade high of 7 percent in December, the ABC News/Ipsos poll shows.
Only 29 percent approve of how he’s handling it. It begs the question - WTF has done to cut inflation in any way?
People are sheep.

At a White House event last Monday, Fox News’ White House correspondent Peter Doocy asked the president, “Do you think inflation is a political liability?”
“No, it’s a great asset — more inflation. What a stupid son of a bitch,” Biden responded, his comments caught on a hot mic. 
Can you imagine what the media and Congress woulda done to DJT if he said something like that? Fuck - there'd be a new impeachment trial already. The duplicitous fucks.

Valentine's Day is 14 days away. Maybe it's 
time for you to get her something nice.
My wife has added a number of new and
 exciting items to her store. Take a look.
 This is the direct link:

Here's a new item - click on the picture: 


It seems Canadians have considerably more balls than we do. Good for them.

Nobody here in the States has even come close to pulling something like this. Good for them and shame on us... 

The Ottawa truckers say there is no 'end date' in sight and plan to stay in the capital 'for as long as it takes' and until the Canadian government flips and withdraws its policy on vaccine mandates. 
The chaos clogged the capital's downtown near parliament throughout the weekend and brought criticism from officials including Ottawa's mayor who said residents were 'prisoners in their own home', but the demonstrators say they intend to stay and that their aim is to 'create chaos' and a 'logistics nightmare' for the Canadian government. 
The boisterous protests are now threatening to interrupt business on Monday, with authorities stating that City Hall will remain closed, traffic will be disrupted and some other services stalled. 
Canada's House of Commons plans to be at work on Monday although no specific security arrangements have been revealed.




Adios Dr. Johnny Fever - Howard Hessman, WKRP

It's hard to get my head around people like this guy. 
Obviously lives in a world somewhere between educated 
and fuckin' stupid. First and foremost, he better never 
call a cop for help ever again. And he better a gun, 'cause ain't 
nobody else worth anything ever gonna have his back. Fuckin' tool...

Did somebody mention bridge builders or was that just me?


For me - at least - this is a very simple, but very 
evocative photo. Does it get you the same way?


Valentine's Day is 14 days away. Maybe it's 
time for you to get her something nice.
My wife has added a number of new and
 exciting items to her store. Take a look.
 This is the direct link:

Here's a new item - click on the picture: 


This graphic shows the nightly rush of FedEx aircraft into 
their main hub in Memphis, Tennessee. The amount of 
aircraft is amazing. Whoever's in charge of logistics for 
that company must be a friggin' genius. Juss' sayin'...

One of the funniest scenes on any TV show. Ever.


I can still, to this day 60 years later, 
hear this phrase in Sister Alma Dolores' voice. 
I really did think she owned it.


The Joe Rogan shitball keeps rolling downhill...
Another jackass who thinks we give a fuck about him...


Yeah - like you never did this. Right...




Hey guys -  Valentine's Day is 
right round the corner...
Think she'd like something like this?

Click on the picture for more info on this item.





That is frikken' brilliant...



It may not be winter anymore, but it's still a great idea...

...     Here's a great idea for a gift  that's  both  truly unique and very affordable...     Click on the picture for more informat...