Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Here's the argument me and my wife have been having for 40 years...

 When do you put your family Christmas tree up?
My wife wants to put it up and decorate it the day after Thanksgiving. That's more than a month before Christmas some years. That's just too much. My mother usta wait until what she called 'Little Christmas' - supposedly the day the three wiseguys showed up at the manger or something like that. I think that's supposed to be only 12 days before Christmas. 
To be honest, trees are really about kids and presents and Christmas morning and coming down the stairs in your pajamas to see what Santa left for you and all childhood stuff like that. At the age of 70 with no kids under foot in the house, I really don't give  shit anymore if we have one or not. Trees look kinda cute, and the cat certainly likes fucking with them...

Beginning December 5, every order completed in the McDonald’s app for at least $1 will enter customers into a contest to win a McGold Card. Three winners will get a special card that earns them free McDonald’s for life. Plus, each winner will get three extra cards to give away for a total of 12 cards being won.
The McGold Card has been around for years, with some heavy hitters reportedly holding them, including Warren Buffett, Bill Gates and actor Rob Lowe. In 2018, McDonald’s issued a few gold cards during a contest, but the winner was eligible to get “only” two free meals a week for 50 years. That rule applies to this year’s promotion too, which ends on December 25.




Santa arrives to entertain Allied troops on 
Christmas on Guadalcanal. Solomon Islands, 1945.

Hey - gimme a break, Larson - some of us didn't have 
any say in the matter...

What do you think the Vegas line should be on this guy's inevitable crash and burn? He's bound to totally self-destruct pretty soon you'd think, wouldn'tcha?
Kanye West has been ordered to pay Kim Kardashian $200,000 per month in child support in a divorce settlement. If that isn't a 'fuck you' amount of money, nothing is, because there ain't a kid in the world costs that much. Fuck...
The former rapper and reality TV star will share joint custody of their four children. Kardashian filed for divorce in 2021, after eight years with West, who has legally changed his name to YezyPeezy. It comes after several companies cut ties with Ye over controversies including antisemitic comments.

This sure as fuck don't look like any girl's toy that I've ever seen...


Looking for a nice little stocking-stuffer 
for the cat lover in your family? 
Click on the picture for more info. They're
 only $ 18.00 a pair and the shipping is free!

Now THERE'S a Christmas tree...

Take a minute to try and figure out what this is. 
The answer will be at the bottom of the post...

Remember this little tidbit from the Super Bowl?
And they say that wasn't staged - bullshit. Certainly not one of the greatest moments in music or TV history fersure, but nice nipple ring, though... 
Well, Rolling Stone Mag, that pinnacle of journalistic excellence, has compiled what the say are 
Bearing in mind, of course, that these are the very same people who put ABBA on the '50 greatest bands of all times' list, of course. Anyway, the guy who wrote this article and list obviously musta grew up on a different planet than I did, 'cause the list is pretty fuckin' stupid - again. Take a look - it's pretty funny:

I had a girlfriend once usta like do to do that exact thing...

This is how we used to 'unfriend' people in the days before FB...

I can't even begin to imagine the kind of 
horror show this musta been. Here's a very 
good rendition of what happened that night:


It's the inside of a Steinway Grand Piano




  1. Our tree went up yesterday; about the same timeframe each year. I put up the outside lights to please the neighborhood kids, but the inside decorations are to please me.

  2. they use a lot of European beechwood in them. it is once seasoned a very stable wood.
    and they also make planes and work benches out of it as well. my brother and I took a piano apart one time.
    that was close to 50 plus years now and I still have some of the screws from it. it got soaked and was going to be tossed, so. got some really nice wood out of it as well. but it had thousands of screws in it !

  3. I had to put a screw eye in the ceiling of our old house to tie to the top of Christmas tree to keep it from being toppled over by the cats. Now we have fewer cats and a fake tree.

  4. My son's birthday was December 6th. If anything Christmas showed up before the 7th of December I would throw it in the trash. It drove my wife nuts.

    I knew it was piano but didn't know what kind.


With all the stupid shit we have thrown at us every day...

 It's imperative that we remember there are things that are much more important than SignalGate or whatever storm in a teacup we hear ab...