Monday, April 29, 2019

A littla dis, a littla dat...
and some other stuff trown in just fer giggles.

That's enough to make me move to California. And stay there...


Strange. Funny, but strange. I like that.


If you're an anti-vaxxer, then yes you are an idiot...

Gotta be a goof, right?


I could put one of these on every street corner around here and make a frikkin' fortune...

and that's BEFORE cocktails...


I'm tellin' ya - the kid is on the money, honey.


Believe it or not this is a real thing in Jersey - the battle I mean.


Like that ain't staged...


Yup. No comment necessary here...




1 comment:

  1. Just get tapes of the weather girl. Trust me, there's a large number of us in California that want to get the hell outta Dodge.


With all the stupid shit we have thrown at us every day...

 It's imperative that we remember there are things that are much more important than SignalGate or whatever storm in a teacup we hear ab...