Sunday, March 23, 2025

Serving some Sunday service sermon silliness...






1 comment:

  1. I grew up going to Catholic school thru 7th grade. Because my father worked the day shift and there weren't any school busses, my sister and I got dropped off at the school at 6:45 every morning. The nuns would have no part of my sister and I just sitting outside made us go to church for 7:00 AM mass every day. 5 days a week, approx 180 days a year for 7 years, I think I'm good for masses until sometime into the next century.
    When I went into the Navy, in bootcamp, they required you to go to mass if you were Catholic. after bootcamp, I'd go occasionally. When I got out of the Navy, I got hooked up with a Catholic girl that just had to take me to Mass. The first time I went with her, there was a guitarist and a set of drums up by the altar. Mass was no longer in Latin and the musicians played all through the mass.
    I was done with Catholic church.


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