Monday, December 30, 2024

Okay, Auntie - here's the original from last night...


Now do you recognize Jean Arthur?


  1. You posted that almost a year ago back on January 9, 2024

  2. Nice try, Giusepp', yet my lips remain sealed. (!) Whenever you're ready, bring on the next 'NTD'! (Tomorrow I'll visit here, but in case I will not have commented tomorrow, let me take this opportunity to wish you, your bride, your family, and all your visitors a Happy New Year!)

  3. Finally!!! You are presenting one right side up. JEEZ! All those sideways and upside-down images. UGH!!!


Another hottie AG and a fuck you to Phil Murphy...

This move has every Demorat in the Demorat-run State House in Trenton shaking in their boots. Think LA, Chicago and NYC are corrupt? They pa...