Tuesday, February 28, 2023

We (mostly) love our Sheriffs here in Florida. Especially up here in North Central...

Believe it or not, this article comes from the Daily Beast - A week after a neo-Nazi hate group circulated throughout the Daytona Beach, Florida area displaying and distributing extremist propaganda, the county’s top cop has had enough. “These scumbags came to the wrong county… We are not going to tolerate this,” a seething Volusia Sheriff Mike Chitwood said at a press conference on Monday. “This is not about free speech. This is about violence.”
Chitwood identified the Goyim Defense League (GDL) as the organization behind the disturbing behavior, which included leaving antisemitic flyers on people’s doorsteps and hanging anti-Jewish banners from busy pedestrian bridges during Daytona 500 weekend. On Feb. 17, the GDL held a demonstration outside Chabad of South Orlando, harassing pedestrians and motorists, according to the Anti-Defamation League. The next day, members hung signs at the Daytona International Speedway with sayings such as, “Henry Ford was right about the Jews.” They later projected antisemitic slogans on the outside of the track, with one reading, “Hitler was right.”

Chitwood on Monday named GDL head Jon Minadeo as the ringleader, and noted he recently moved from his home state of California after his grandmother’s restaurant was almost run out of business due to his bigoted activities. 


  1. Decades ago, I worked with a guy who'd been Hitler Jungend, Hitler Youth, as a dinky kid in Germany. He had lots of stories, to say the least. And he knew actual Reich Nazis. At the time we worked together, a vile p.o.s. named Tom Metzger headed up a group of violent gutless cowards called the White Aryan Resistance, or W.A.R., in Portland, OR. Metzer's vomit riled up a group of these scum to kill a Somali parking lot attendant. The trial was all over the news.
    Metzger, while avowing that he had nothing to do with the murder, nonetheless spewed his venom every time he was in front of a microphone. My coworker, Ted, told me in no uncertain terms that if any of these worthless scum met a real Reich Nazi, they'd shit their pants, fall over blubbering, curled up in a trembling ball. He knew of what he spoke.
    Years before, in East Baltimore, there was a Nazi headquarters, swastika flying and everything. Interestingly in a Polish neighborhood so they were not at all appreciated by the citizenry. A friend and I looked into the front window and the guy inside, dressed in Nazi party uniform and regalia, looked exactly like Ernst Rohm. He saw us, and my Israeli flag t-shirt, and huffed his fat ass to the desk situated under a huge, rather famous picture of Ol' Mustache Face and glared at us. Meh, another dangerous, venomous poser. Now the modern expression of these bastards, Antifa, take the violence to the streets and threaten to come to the countryside to get us. All we can say out here is, come on, slimeball, bring it.

  2. The whackos running this stuff are disgusting and should be rejected. Nevertheless, the sheriff needs to remember that they have First Amendment rights to be complete morons and idiots. If they step over from speech to activity, then come down on them like a ton of bricks. But until then, the sheriff needs to chill and hold back. Speech is not violence, and it is disturbing to hear a law enforcement official adopt that woke stupidity. You don't have to like what they say, and if all they do is speak, there is no violence. Your feelings don't matter.

  3. What always strikes me odd is they always call “antisemitic” people every name in the book but never liars
